Chapter Thirteen: Percy

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Chapter Thirteen


When he woke, the first thing Percy noticed was that he was he was not at Hogwarts.

He was in a throne room, but the bad part was that Percy recognized it. It was the throne room from his dreams with the weird man.  And even worse than that, the man was sitting there in ease, as if he hadn’t a care in the world. Oh, how Percy longed for a normal life. But if he had had a normal life, then he would have never met Annabeth, and meeting her was a blessing.

Percy then noticed the ropes around his body, binding him in place. Before Percy could figure out a plan for escape, the weird man noticed he was awake. “Ah, Perseus—”

“Percy,” Percy growled. “My name is Percy.”

The man ignored him and continued. “You are finally awake. I am Neculai Mullo, and you are my pawn now.”

That angered Percy. Gaea had tried to make Percy her pawn, but that failed. And now, someone else was trying the same thing. Instead of yelling at the man, Percy asked a question that had been bothering him since he had woken up.

“How was I affected by your magic?”

“Ah, excellent question, which I will not tell you the answer to,” Neculai said. “I can’t spill all my secrets right away, now can I?”

Percy gritted his teeth in frustration but said nothing, he didn’t want to give his enemy the satisfaction of knowing his frustration.

“Why am I here?” Percy asked instead.

“Like I said, you are my pawn now. Your wizard friends are a threat to me. So are your demigod friends, but you are the most powerful. In my possession you would tip the scales.”

“What are you even trying to do?”

“Take over the world,  of course,” Neculai said. “I would rule wizards, mortals, and even your kind. Demigods, both Greek and Roman. And you are a key part in my plan. I could even manage to get that blonde girl on my side as well.”

“Annabeth would never join you!” Percy shouted and strained against his bonds even more.

“But if I threatened your life, I’m sure she would.”

“I’d rather die,” Percy stated fiercely.

“Well, eventually that will come true anyway. I would do it sooner, but as I’ve said before, you are a vital piece in my plan.”

Percy had to keep him talking, just long enough for Percy to figure out what he could do. Percy had heard things about some guy named “Voldemort,” and he figured he must’ve been bad. So Percy went out on a limb. He could only hoped Neculai would fill in the blanks for him.

“Why didn’t you join that Voldemort guy?” Percy asked. “If he had won you could have just overthrown him.”

“You dare speak the dark lord’s name?” Neculai pulled his sleeve down, revealing a mark on his sleeve which Percy guessed to be the Dark Mark. “He was weak, I knew he wouldn’t win. Besides, he didn’t think I was good enough. Oh how I wish I could be able to see his face now."

Percy had to keep him talking, no matter the cost. Annabeth’s life could be on the line, as well as every one of his other friends. That reminded Percy, they were probably worried out of their minds, searching for him. One day he was there, and the next day, he was gone.

Percy could only hope that they knew to look at the Black Lake, and that the mermaids would help them.

“So you’re more powerful than Voldemort?” Percy asked.

“Of course,” Neculai replied. “Now don’t think I don’t know what you’re trying to do. When you wake again, you will be fully under my control. Have pleasant nightmares.”

Percy’s mind didn’t feel right when he woke once more. It felt, foggy, and clogged up. But most of all, it didn’t feel like he had control.

Percy was in the same room, but this time he wasn’t tied up. He was just sitting there, and no one was in the room to stop him from escaping.

Percy stood up, but when he tried to make himself creep away, his body wouldn’t answer to him.

“You’re awake, again,” Neculai said coming out from behind the throne. “Ah, I see you’ve learned of the Imperious curse. Now you really are in  my control. Perseus, my pawn, you must take out your friends.”

“Yes master,” Percy said without his control.


A/N That's not good!

Question 14=What are the names of Harry's parents?

James Potter and Lily Potter (formerly Lily Evans)

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