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Venus POV

Whoa I had a pleasant sleep. I think I slept for 45mins but I'm not sure. I don't want to open my eyes but I had to do it. I opened my eyes I felt my head resting on a persons shoulder. I rolled my eyes up to look who is it.

It was Hardik..!! I slept on his shoulder OMG! I went away as soon as I saw him. And he was like "Oh! Venus you woke up"

I said "Umm...sorry Hardik I slept on your shoulder". "Its okay it didn't bother me" he said and smiled.

"I thought of waking you up because we only have 30mins left to land in Delhi" Hardik said. Whoat? I slept for 1 and a half an hour!! Oh Venus why you slept? you shouldn't sleep in flight. I talked to myself.

Hardik gave me weird look. "You have the habit of talking to yourself?" he asked. Umm...yes. "Oh! you remind me someone who was important in my life" Hardik said.

Important? who is that important person? "I told she WAS important" he said. He put on his earphones. I think he doesn't like talking about that person. So he put his earphones on.

OMG! Hardik said 'SHE' that person is a girl!! I think he has a bitter past he looked disappointed and upset. I shouldn't talk about it anymore to him.

We arrived at Delhi. There were a lots of fans gathered in the airport to wish our boys for their victory. As usually me and Mr. Sharma were checking on all the formalities.

Our boys were signing autographs and taking selfie with fans except two Jasprit and Hardik.

Hey selfie king why you're here? go and celebrate your victory with our people. And Jasprit what's wrong with you also? I questioned both of them

They both were like "Do we have fans?" they looked blank. Oh! Cmon guys, you both are famous among girls I whispered to them.

Jasprit said "Really dhidhi?"(elder sister) before I could reply Hardik interrupted. "Whoat? Jasprit you called her as dhidhi!!" he said and burst into laughter and I joined with him.

Jasprit was like what's wrong? "Hey Jasie she's a year younger to us" Hardik said to Jasprit. Okay,okay guys cmon go and celebrate with your fans. They both went as I said.

I called the boys. Its already time. We went to our bus. I sat in the last row. Hardik and Jasprit sat beside. Jasprit and I were chatting for a long time just nonstop. Hardik remained silent. I dunno why but whatever.

By then my ex-friend called me. Yes, we are not friends now. She ditched me. I doesn't want to talk to her ever in my life. But she always calls me apologises for her mistake. This isn't the first time she ditched me. I decided not to forgive her. I picked up the call. As usual she was like "I'm sorry Venus,its my fault and blah blah and blah".

Okay you finished your part Elsa? now its my turn I just want to tell you one thing don't ever try to call me or text me okay. I ended the call in anger.

Again Hardik gave me a weird look and his eyes were a little watery. Oh my gosh Hardie what's wrong with you? Are you crying? Jasprit was like "Hardik why your eyes are sweating?". Actually what Jasprit told, made me laugh but I have to behave myself right. I controlled my laughter. And asked Hardik again what's wrong with him.

Hardik said a name and it was Sheetal . Me and Jasprit were so blank. Hardik wiped his tears and said "Nothing guys I was just joking around". However he tried to hide his sorrow and tears. But me and Jasprit looked into his eyes they were real tears and he looked painful. He's lying to us. But we pretended as we doesn't know anything because we don't want to bother him.

And now who is Sheetal?! Why Hardik's eyes became watery?! why he looked painful?! Why he lied to us?! there were a tons of questions going on to my mind as well as on Jasprit's mind.


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