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I want to know the truth. I still believe her. So I headed back to her room. The door was open so went in.

There was no sign of that fucking guy. I guess he's not here. I saw Venus standing in balcony and starring the white full moon.

She's so upset. I hugged her from behind. She tried to go off my grip. I'm Hardik I said and she stayed still.

I made my grip even more tighter and warmer this makes me feel that she's mine.

She started to cry "I have explanations" she said while sobbing. Don't cry. I kissed her cheek.

So cmon tell me about that guy, Venus. "It all started with a dare" she started.

I made her sit in bed and gave her a glass of water. Drink it. "THANKS, HARDIK". She drank the water.

"I was in my college in Chennai, I was playing truth or dare with my friends, in that
my dare is to propose Gary unwillingly I did it. He took it serious. I dunno how can he develop a lot of feelings in a single day. The next because of his father's order he has to Jeguk college and India. Before leaving he said that I belong to him and one day he'll be back for me. He made his friends tell the whole college that I belong to him. I was known as Gary's girlfriend. He's such a jerk. And now he is here for me as he said". she finished.

Tell me about Gary. I asked her.

"Gary, I mean his real name is CHOI YOUNG DO. The whole college calls him as Gary because we felt awkward in calling out his real name. He's a badass. He's transferred from Jeguk college in Korea for misbehavior and fighting with Kim Tan. He always troubles and bullies innocent students. Everyone in the college were under him. He's the heir of Zeus hotel and groups. He has an IQ of 150, but does not put any effort in studying.

Known for his cunning intellect and volatile manner. His father, CHOI DONG WOOK is mercilessly strict and physically rude to him. His father is a womanizer so his mother left their family when he was a kid" she finished Gary's story.

I shook my head in response. She asked me another glass water so went for it. When I came back I saw Venus fainted.

I called the hotel doctor "She fainted because of stress, let she sleep don't disturb her" the doc said and left the room.

I can't leave her alone in this room. So I decided to stay with her. I made her sleep her in the bed and I slept beside her. I kissed her forehead.


I opened my eyes Venus was still sleeping I don't want to disturb her. I checked my sns accounts. Holi wishes were filled in my inbox. Oh! today is Holi! I totally forgot about it.

I went to my room to take bath and change my clothes. "Where were you, bro?" Jasprit asked.

Ummm...I was in Venus's place. He smiled mischievously and gave me a glare. I dunno what does that stupid glare mean but it bothers me. Jasprit! don't look at me like that! I yelled at him.

I took bath and came out. "HAPPY HOLI" Jasprit, Jaddu and Shikhar said in unison.

HAPPY HOLI! guys!! I wished them and put on my clothes.
I went to see Venus whether she's awake or not.

I opened the door it was unlocked. I saw her sitting in the table drinking coffee and wearing a bathrobe!

 I saw her sitting in the table drinking coffee and wearing a bathrobe!

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JUNG SO MIN in the pic.

I started to blush after seeing her. Its better for me to go out she didn't notice me yet. I silently went out of the room.

OH!BOY I shouldn't enter a girls room without knocking the door. Today we had to go to airport. We're heading for our next match Australia vs India.

We all were waiting down in lobby. Venus came she was wearing a white frock and had her red handbag with her.

 Venus came she was wearing a white frock and had her red handbag with her

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Bae SUZY in the pic.

She looks hot and pretty! I guess she's not upset now. "I'll finish all the formalities and checking here, you all go to the bus" she said.

We all did as she said. We all sat. Our another manager Mr.Sharma started to take video of our holi wishes.

(I guess many of you would have seen this, but who all didn't see please watch it)

Venus came. We all were watching the video. "What's going on? what are you all watching?" she asked.

"Holi wishes" Rohit bhai added. She saw the video. "This is not fair! how can you take the video without me?" she turned out red. She's so angry. We need to cool her down or else to volcano will burst out. NEVER MAKE A GIRL ANGRY!


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