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This chapter is dedicated to my lovely friend Rachael99 who always supports me! thanks sissy 😘💜💜


"What's going on here?" a voice echoed from my backside.

I turned around, it was Jaddu bhai the GREAT! we quickly broke the hug.

He came towards us and we both were blinking like owls. "Happy journey" he said and ruffled my hair.

whoooh! he didn't ask about the hug! phew! then he started his lectures, he's always an overprotective brother, even my own elder brother Joe, isn't so caring as Jaddu bhai.

The taxi driver called me and said that he's waiting outside the hotel.

Hardik and Jaddu bhai bid me bye and I got into the taxi. There was no traffic as it was early morning. I reached the airport soon.

I had a lotta time remaining, so I had a Frappucino at the Starbucks

1st call was made for the passengers who are traveling from India to Milan

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1st call was made for the passengers who are traveling from India to Milan . I dragged my suitcase and went towards my flight.

Suddenly someone pulled my hand. I was about to give that person a slap, but fortunately it was my younger brother Jason.

He was in his White T-shirt with black lines and blue jeans with coolers. His cologne was so strong, urghhh!

 His cologne was so strong, urghhh!

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"J-Jason!" I squealed. Wait, am I traveling with him?! no no way! he's so irritating and he always frustrates me.

We started to walk together,like as usual he was teasing me, duh!

I couldn't bear his cologne smell, it was so strong as I said before. We got into our flight, thank god his seat wasn't next to me phew!

I can't sit with Jason for 8hours 45 minutes till we reach Milan. I plugged my earphones and closed my eyes.

I fell asleep without my knowledge. After sometime, I felt my body shaking. I slowly opened my eyes and it was Jason.


"Get up!"


"We reached Milan"

"So soon?"

"Get up, fast! stop questioning me"

I got up and we came out of the flight. Milan weather was so great!

Joe called me and said that a special person will pick me and Jason from the airport.

Who would it be?! he didn't even give me a clue, we waited for an hour but no one came to pick me and Jason.

"I'm going to get on a taxi" Jason said in an annoying tone.

"Wait, lemme call, Joe!" I said.

He didn't reply me, instead of that he just started walking, he didn't even bother about me.

I sat still and was waiting for that special person, who would it be?! Joe said that the special person will be arriving soon here to the airport.

Jason texted me that he got into a cab and left for Joe's place.

He's such a dumbass!

Suddenly a pair of hand covered my eyes and only darkness remained.

who?! who is it?! huh?! reply me?! I was shooting tons of questions.

"Cmon! Venus! you know me!" the anonymous person replied.

Such a familiar voice! I squeezed my brain to identify the voice!

Ritika?! Ritika?! is that you bae?!

"yes Bae!" she squealed.

Omigosh! Ritika! I'm seeing you after years! she pulled me in for a tight hug and squeezed my 206 bones!

Ritika is my school bestie! she is the one who encourages me in each and every work I do!

By the way, Ritika how'd you come here?

"It's because of you're brother Joe, he wants to give you a surprise and that surprise is me!"

we laughed ridiculously and left for Joe's place. On the way, we were chatting chatting and chatting about our old memories!

Joe's place arrived and he and Jason were waiting outside.

I hugged Joe and kicked Jason for leaving me stranded in airport, he cried in pain.

I went straight to my room and fell in my bed, tomorrow evening we have Joe's wedding!

I heard a knock on my door.

"Who is it?" I yelled.

....... no reply ........

"Hey! who is it?!" I hesitated.

I got up with full of frustration and opened the door. And it was him!!!

I was in a shock! Oh my god! how did you come  here?! how'd you get into Joe's place?! Cmon speak something!!


Hey guys hope ya good! BTW I'm up another boredom filled chappy :) LOL! PLZ DO VOTE and COMMENT! BTW MIB has reached 3.50k and 600+ votes! tysm all of you for that! loveya all!

BTW today is kim woo bin's bday! Kim woo bin is Gary in this story! remember?!!

BTW today is kim woo bin's bday! Kim woo bin is Gary in this story! remember?!!HAPPY BDAY WOOBIN!!

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