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Whew! finally I confessed my feelings to Venus and told my bitter past to her hope she'll answer me soon. This is a big relief to me. Maybe I shouldn't confessed my feelings to her in this way.

Tomorrow again I'll remind her about the proposal. We also have our first WT20 match against New Zealand tomorrow. WHATEVER I HOPE FOR THE BEST!

Such a long day by then I got a text from unknown number it says "FOUND YOUR TRUE LOVE MR. PANDYA? A WARM HUG RIGHT?". What the fuck! who is stalking me? I'm still in the ground. I looked around me. There was no sign of a single creature. I saved the number as Stalker.

I went straight to my hotel room and apologized to Jasprit for yesterday. "Its okay bro, I didn't mind it" he said.

I'm feeling damn tired as well as I'm hungry too. The door bell rang it was one of the staff of the hotel. He bought some food I think Jasprit ordered.

"Cmon bro, let's eat!!" Jasprit said. But-- he interrupted me. "I ordered for you too" he said. I smiled at him and we had it together.


I'm walking home now. I'm in the streets. I feel like someone is following. I saw a shadow behind  me. OMG! who the hell is that? maybe some robber? I was so frightened. I held my bag tight, closed my eyes and hit the person in his face with my bag.

The person yelled in pain. It was Jaddu bhai. JADDU BHAI?. OMG! bhai are you o....o...okay?

"Aaaaah Venus, why....why?" he cried in pain. Oops sorry bhai I thought you were some robb--- he cut me off.

We went to a cafe. We ordered some snacks. "'s...going..on---- I interrupted. Bhai what's wrong? what do you wanna ask me?

"Okay,Fine, what's going on between you and Hardik?" he asked me. Well bhai....he was a good friend to me but today he told that "HE LOVES ME SO MUCH". "So what do you think? do you love him back?" he asked me.

Well bhai I'm puzzled. Our snacks came,the waiter served us. I started to eat. Yummy! this so tasty!!! i love it bhai.

We had enough in the cafe. Bhai so why did you follow me? "Actually I was having a walk by then I saw you I thought of surprising you, but you--- I cut him off. I hit you with bag right? again sorry bhai.

"Its okay messy girl. I'll walk you home" he said. We started to walk. Bhai  don't tell about Hardik to anyone . He shook his head in response.

We reached my apartment. Cmon bhai let's go to my apartment. "Its okay dear, go get sleep you look so tired" he said and shambled my hair. Okay bhai I waved him bye and went to my apartment.

Jaddu bhai,Mahi bhai and Sonu bhai are like my brothers. They care of me a lot. I never miss my parents when they're around me. I'm lucky to be with me.

So should I accept his feelings I'm puzzled. I texted my bestie Rashika about this. I got her reply soon she named us as "HARUS" couple and said its upto you.

Urghh this Rashika I asked her for suggestions but she said it upto you. OH GOD SOMEONE SAVE ME FROM THIS SITUATION.

Poor Hardie he has a bitter past...wait...wait...he said I got the attitude and habits of Sheetal so he loves me because I'm like her I mean I behave like her. Still Sheetal has a place in his heart but she isn't with him so he want to replace her with me.

He likes me because I'm like his ex-girlfriend. He didn't really love me. He still loves that bitch who ditched him. Seriously? should I accept Hardik's feelings? but he likes because I behave like Sheetal right? I have to ask my friends Ryona, Rashika, Pallavi, Shalonitta, annelle and kritika. Guys help me out!


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