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I got a text from the unknown number again it says "You look like sh*t Venus".

What the heck? who the hell is playing on me? "Yes, I look like sh*t, what bothers you?" I replied back.

I posted all the selfies in twitter. As soon as I posted Hardik liked and retweeted it. Again I got a text it was from Hardie it says "Fine legs, Venus"

" pervert get lost" I texted him back.

I need to refresh myself so I had an orange juice. I took a sip from that. This...this...doesn't taste like regular orange juice. This maybe some imported product. But this tastes little sour but tasty.

I drank 3 glass of Orange juice. I don't know what's wrong, my vision is blurred and I couldn't sit steadily.

I was about to drink the 4th glass of Orange juice by then a guy rushed to me. His voice is familiar I know him but I couldn't see him clearly because my vision is blurred.

He pulled the glass from me. "Veee...Venus, why did you drink this? This is alcohol" he shouted at me.

I don't know who he is? "Who is this? Sonu bhai?" I asked him. "I'm Virat" he replied.

He tapped my cheek telling me to wake up I closed my eyes.

I think Mahi bhai came I heard his voice. Cheeku bhai was telling about me to Mahi bhai.

I couldn't open my eyes. I kept it closed. Someone is giving me a piggyback ride I don't know who is it.


I was taking pictures with my mates by then I noticed Venus drinking alcohol. Oh sh*t what is she doing?

I rushed to her and pulled the glass from her. Veee...Venus why did you drink this? This is alcohol I shouted at her.

"Who is this? Sonu bhai?" she asked me. I'm Virat I replied. She became unconscious. I tapped her cheek telling her to wake up.

Mahi bhai came, I  explained everything to him. The party was over. Everyone went except Indian cricket team. Venus is still unconscious. We don't know what to do. "I'll give her a piggyback ride" Hardik said.



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Hardik carried her to the bus. Jaddu carried her bag. Venus put her hand around Hardik's neck and placed her head on his shoulder. It looked so romantic.

Jaddu started to tease Hardik. Hardik started blushing. We reached our bus. He made Venus sit in the seat and he sat beside her.

CUTE COUPLES! they look perfect together. We took Venus with us to our hotel. We arranged a separate room for her.

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