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Venus POV

Oh god Hardik is kissing my cheek. This is so embarrassing. I pushed him back. He's so drunk. He is so smelly. Okay,okay Hardik enough stop it.

And then he was like "Oh Venus you're so beautifully and hot. You know you're the hottest girl I've ever met. You're been the manager for 1 year I dunno why none of the boys have fallen for you. You have such juicy lips and perfect hip. You have a very good figure" HARDIK!!! you pervert!!! I yelled.

I made him sleep in my bed and covered the bedsheet allover him. I was about to go,he held my hand and blabbered something I could hardly understand only these words Venus.....don' blah blah.

I went to the hall and slept in the sofa. I'm not getting sleep so checked all my sns accounts. Finally I yawned I'm feeling sleepy now. I kept my phone aside and I was thinking about the whole day. Without my knowledge I slept.


I woke up,it was 8:47a.m. I went to my room still Hardik was sleeping. I didn't disturb him he's having a good sleep. I went to shower, dressed up myself and started to do breakfast.

I forgot to take the milk packet and newspaper. I rushed down to collect milk packet and newspaper. It was in my Milk box. I took both of it and started to walk by then the watchman came running to me with a huge bag.

Bhai what happened? I asked him. Madam last night you're fiancée came to your apartment right. Before coming to your apartment he talked to me. He was drunk. He told he is a cricketer. He forgot his bag ma'am. I was like Huh? my fiancée?!!! Okay bhai give that bag. I took the bag from him and carried it to my apartment.

I opened the bag there were a lotta clothes and an Indian cricket team jersey. It was jersey no.33 this belongs to Hardik. This bag is also belongs to him. He told that he's my fiancée to watchman bhai. Oh god!!! is Hardik out of his mind.

breakfast is ready. I heard Hardik's voice he was like "Hello? is any1 there? Where am I? Hey did any1 kidnap me?". Huh,what? he doesn't remember anything what happened last night. This is ridiculous.

I went to my room and he was like "Venus you kidnapped me?!". Yaaahh!! Hardik seriously you don't remember anything?

I brought his bag and explained him what happened previous night. And Hardik I saw your pervert side. "I'm sorry Venus..I'm so sorry please forgive me!" he said and made an innocent face. It's okay I'll forgive you don't look at me like that.

He made a broad smile. Hardik go get a shower and get dressed up. I made instant noodles for breakfast. We both had it together. By then i got a text from Jaddu bhai it says he'll pick me up at 6:00pm.

Hardik looked so depressed and painful. "Shall we take Hardik also with us?" I texted to Jaddu bhai. Soon I got a reply it says "Sure".

Umm...Hardik today me,jaddu bhai,Sonu bhai and Mahi bhai are going to a movie would you like to join with us?

"No,its okay Venus" he said. Cmon Hardik you have to come this is an order from your manager okay? "Okay" he said while laughing.

Soon it was 6:00pm Jaddu bhai came to pick me up. He was like "Oh Hardik you're also here". Hardik shook his head in response.

We got into the car. We reached the theater. Mahi bhai and Sonu bhai were already there. They were surprised to see Hardik.

All were in disguise except me and Hardik. Mahi bhai was like "Venus, you didn't tell Hardik to come in disguise?". Umm...sorry bhai I forgot.

We all watched the movie and had dinner together. It was a lotta fun. Mahi bhai and Sonu bhai went in another car. Me,Jaddu bhai and Hardik were on Jaddu's car.

He dropped me and Hardik in front of my apartment. We both waved him bye. Hardik was trying to tell me something but he was stuttering. What he is trying to tell? "Umm...Venus I had to tell you about Sheetal" he said. Finally he's talking about Sheetal.
I wish now Jasprit is here.


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