Part 7

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Part seven Goodbye corrupto.

"It's been two years that we have been working on this ship and gathering equipment for this, do you think it will get us off of this planet." Amber whispered to tourmaline. "We won't know until we try." Tourmaline said with a giggle.

"Are you guys ready there's no going back now?" Black asked? "Wait!!!! We need to go say good bye to all our friends" Marble said as she stole the key. Every one agreed that they would go say good bye and meet back here in three hours. Marble and amber left for Feltrite's cave and talked for a while and before leaving she gave the two a hug goodbye and Black and Tourmaline went to Kyroptonite's place and challenged them to a fight for a while. After the fight they talked about fusion and how they were leaving for a new planet in a few hours and that they came to say their goodbyes.

After hugs and a meaningful goodbye the two began to leave but Kyrpto stopped black. "Hey tour go on with out me i will catch up." black said before walking back into the house. "we have something for you, well two things. first thing is our sword of love also called the krptonite blade made from melted emeralds and jades just like us." black giggled and stored it in his gem. "the second is our inerdimensional communicators since we have plenty the two of us decided we would give one to you and one to Tourmaline so we can stay friends even when you are very far away ." Black also stored it in his gem. "Thank you, these two gifts mean the would to me, i will miss you two and will contact y'all as soon as we find a new home." Black said as he hugged the fusion. "Goodbye." they all said as Black left.

They all met back up on the ship, black took the keys from marble "Is everyone ready to go?" black asked his team. everyone agreed that they were ready so black began to crank up the ship. "Hey Tour, Krypto wanted me to give you this so we all could stay in touch when we left this planet" black said as he handed over the device. "Lets take off" tourmaline said as he exited the room. Suddenly a gem kitten Jump from a hole in the floor. Black looked around for more but didn't see any, "would you like to come with us little one ?" Black asked the kitten. the kitten purred and lied in his lap.

I will name you (moodstone) since you seem to be changing colors. The kitten rolled over and fell asleep. "Good moodstone." Black said as he patted the kitten in the head. Tourmaline and Amber entered the room surprised " where did you get the kitten?" They both asked? Her name is moonstone and I guess she's a stowaway, moodstone the stowaway. That has a nice ring to it don't ya think." Black replied with a smile.

Soon they were soaring through space pointing out many planets and meteors and a lot of wonderful stars, but none of the planets were right for them. Until they came across a small planet near the milkyway. "That looks like a great planet to land on, look at all the colors." Said Amber with a big smile on her face. "I can't wait to land."said tourmaline. "This is Earth, from what i learned on Home world humans and gems live in harmony." Black said with a smile. Black dove into the planet with hope in his eyes. The earth had gems everywhere and weird fleshy beings roaming it, everyone was fighting, bodies laid everywhere, gems and fleshy beings. Black picked up moonstone and put her in a makeshift pouch on his belly. "this looks nothing like I remember. I thought before the Crystal Gems fell to Rainbow Diamond (A fusion of Blue, Yellow, White and Pink) this world lived happy with each other, some even settled down with humans and made families." Black said disbelieving this was really happening.

Suddenly. *BOOM!!!* "the ship was hit!!!!! We are going down." Marble said as she panicked. " What are were gonna do the ship is on fire and there is no way out." Tourmaline screamed "I have a plan, but you guys won't like it." black said with a sigh. The group looked worried as black started to explain what was gonna happen." you guys will have to shrink down and get in this bubble i wont make it to strong ,that way you can pop it when you land. I will cut a hole in the ship and toss you into that town up ahead, but the thing is I wont be able to come with. Tourmaline began to make a scene. " You cant do this to us, we have been together for far to long, I don't want to lose you ."

Black's gem lit up and poof, black drew his new sword and stabbed Tourmaline forcing him back into his gem. "Please look out for him and never leave him, he was my only friend and i know he will be a lot safer with you to." Amber took the gem and promised to take great care of him. The two shrunk down, black put a bubble around the two, cut a hole in the ship and tossed the bubble into the town below.

"Goodbye friends" black said with tears in his eyes. "Boom!!!!!" the ship exploded but luckily black got out just in time, transforming himself into a bird and flying him and moodstone into battle. "No one blows up our ship and gets away with it." black said as he landed.

The end of chapter seven

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