down with the Pink Queen.

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Shocked at what he discovered Tourmaline walked along side the woman in fear for himself. "Hey how about we take a quick detour before we get to the castle?" Jessica asked in a rush as she pulled Tourmaline into an abandoned building and slammed the door behind her. "Whew, that was close." Jessica said as a below low class family walked by carrying bags of cans and clothes. "Always begging,why don't they just leave?" Jessica said as she pulled Tourmaline out the building toward her castle.tourmaline built up enough courage to ask. " If they are your people why don't you take care of them like a ruler should?" There was a slight pause in her step then she replied "Watch who you are addressing like that, you might be a gem but don't think I don't have tricks to put you down."

The two stop at a giant castle with flowers and beauty all around, a garden that was big enough to feed all her people and a pond as large as two star chasers or two foot ball fields, and more than enough room to build a few more houses for those who didn't have one. "Why do you need all this room when you literally have people starving and homeless living around in your kingdom?" Tourmaline asked.

" i am the founder I make the rules here, not you , me and if you don't like it you are more than welcomed to leave and not come back." Jessica announced with anger. Tourmaline closed his mouth and entered the castle. There were beautiful colors everywhere, and enough workers around to make the whole kingdom just as beautiful. Tourmaline heard a whisper, a whisper warning him to run but he ignored it and followed behind. "So where are we heading if you don't mind me asking?" She looked at tourmaline and pointed to a room that read "DO NOT ENTER" and paused. Tourmaline wanted to back away but couldn't find the strength to turn away and run.

"Well , here we are."Jessica said as she pushed a red button. Before tourmaline could move a gate crashed down around him. "What in the green and blue planet we crashed on is going on here." Tourmaline yelled as he tried shaking the gate to get free. Jessica pressed a second button making the bottom close and a yellow wall of light surround the cage. " you didn't really think I was just gonna let a self righteous gem walk around freely did you? I found this neat do hicky on a gem ship and traded one of my old cloning machine for the knowledge to work it. It's great for all the pesky gems that wonder in here and try to plant roots among us humans,  I was also given this destabilizer for gems who wouldn't go down or stay down but I'm not going to use it on a gem as small and pathetic as you." Jessica said as she called in one of her lower level leaders. A dashing guy dressed in a yellow suit came in with someone not as dashing dressed in blue. "Wahat do you want you witch?" The guy in yellow asked. "Tony you will address me as queen pink or Jessica, stop calling me a witch." Jessica yelled. Tony pointed at blue and said "he did it." (Swish) blue fell to the ground. "Whoa why'd you shoot him?" Tony asked as a dark figure swung from the chandelier." Blue got up and dusted himself off, he looked up to catch what looked like a foot crawling into the vent. "Hey are you okay? She really did a number on you, you look worse than before, wait no you still look the same." Yellow joked.

Pink tapped her foot impatiently trying to get them to focus, " I need one of you to put him with the others doesn't matter who just as long as it happens. Pink said as she walked out the room. "Well I guess I'll do it so she will like me more." Blue said as he tried to push the cart. Yellow putting his foot in front of the cart said " I got it, she called me in for a reason, it's cause I'm the best. Now move before i jam this in you lung" yellow said as he pulled a fork from his pocket. Blue with tears in his eyes moved and walked to his room screaming "you're such a bully and always get what you want!!"

Yellow walked the cart to the DO NOT ENTER DOOR and looked at the scared gem, "don't worry it will be over soon" yellow thought to himself. The two got into the room and yellow shut the door. "Okay , and now let's do this" yellow said as he closed the door and opened the crate. "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO WITH ME?" Tourmaline yelled while looking for an escape. "Calm down I'm here to help you, as long as you help me take out pink for good, she is not a good ruler and not my queen. " yellow stated as he pushed a box other the way revealing a hole in the wall leading to the outside world. Or you can just go and let these people suffer even more. Yellow said pointing to to the hole. "No, I'm in let's save the people, lets get rid of the queen and her followers." Tourmaline said with a sad look.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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