part ten

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After leaving Jasper, Black set off to find his place in this new world. "Hey!! I saw him first so he is my prey, once I turn his gem in I will be rewarded greatly." Said Gem Hunter 1# "Who cares who saw him first, who ever gets his gem before the other is who deserve the reward." Said GH2#
"Just get your destabilizer ready and I'll get the metal bubble to hold him it, I hear these new metal balls work better at keeping them in their gem than the plastic ones." Said GH1#.

Black overheard the two humans talking but could not see them anywhere. "Maybe a better veiw." Black thought as he spread his wings out. (Whoosh) he took to the sky, looking around wondering where they were.

Back came across what looked like a homeworld bot, but this one was more smoother, more gem like, it was as if it wasn't a bot at all. Black watched the being for a bit till he noticed the two men sneaking up on it. "Should I go down and help or stay up here and observe the fleshy's behavior." Black thought to himself before hiding.

"I'll go high and you go low." GH#1 whispered. "You always get to go high no fair." GH#2 said a little louder. "Get down" GH#1 angrily said as he pulled his comrade down. "Whose there? I. I. I. I. hear. your. voices" said the strange being and it's body clancked every step it took. "Dont tell me we are following some stupid robot, we probably wouldn't even get a loaf of bread  for it being in this condition. wanna head more east" GH#2 said while standing up. "No thanks, you know that is the Renegade pearl territory right? They capture humans and hybrids and sometimes weak gems and force them to work. I'm not looking to be enslaved today, let's head southwest I hear there is a old temple by the beach with a bunch of ancient stuff in it. But first let's trash this stupid bot."GH#1 said as he pulled out a hammer.

The two beat up the bot pretty good leaving bits and parts of her all over the ground and headed out. "Why were they hunting gems? I should go down there and see if I can salvage anything off the bot. And are they really scared of some servant pearls, it not like they can do any harm. I remember one-time when black pearl was picked to fight a Rudy in the gem battle arena and broke out crying forfeiting the match. I miss her so much I wonder what ever happened to her."

Black looked around making sure they were gone and flew down. "They really did a number on you, I wonder if anything here is still good." Black said as he kicked the bots head "OWW first those human beat me now you." She said scaring black almost back in his gem. "Yo. You felt that they broke you apart how can you still talk?" Black asked in a panic. I'm really a gem, my gem was imbedded into this robot head because I came out wrong.

After the second war on Jupiter gems were being rushed to be made some were forced fusions, some were monsters and some came out fine, but for anyone who came out wrong but could still be use were forced into objects and used as tools. For me I was once a bismuth, but I was too small to be used in anyway they thought so they sent me to be shattered and turned into a cluster.

I begged and begged for my life  with almost no hope till a sister bismuth tricked the guards into giving me to her, she poofed me and imbedded me into this robot. She was shocked by the results, it changed my form, i wanted to take over but the robot body wouldn't budge so we became one. I was saved I could be free, until a fellow bismuth noticed it worked and reported us to Yellow Diamond. She thought it was an amazing idea and started forcing us deformd gems into robot bodies and placing us in the front lines. I fled, I had no intention on fighting, I met some amazing gems on my journey one especially who brought me here to earth. I loved this land, it was beautiful up to 100years ago when homeworld decided they were *checking in*." She carried on and on about the world and how much it changed till Black asked about the gem hunters.

"Oh they are the worst, Homeworld started working with humans on building the perfect weapon and as a truce for their partnership homeworld decide not to blow this planet up. The humans catch us gems and experiment on us, making us into human hybrids, melting us down and infusing us with other gems. I once got brought into one of the lab's as parts but they wanted nothing to do with a failure and sent me off, I guess homeworld told them about us and they refuse to use us. But while in there I saw enough. They pay people, gems and hybrids to hunt down gems and gem shards and bring them to a lab and get paid to do so."

The conversation went on and on but it was getting late so black told the bot head he had to take off. "Well it was great talking to someone who isn't trying to kill me. You can sit my head on that log over there if you want. I'm really no use to you." Said the bot in a sad tone. Black Sat the head on the log and began to walk. He stopped next to what looked like a bag with straps on it. He picked it up and turnd to the head, why not come with me, beats sitting on that log getting rusty and maybe I can build you a new body, you will fit I'm perfectly with my buddies moonstone the cat and tour...Oh nevermind. But what do you say?" Black asked. The bot looked up and said "Yes, thank you, this is the best Christmas gift ever. " black picked up the gem and placed her in the hole filled bag. "Whats a Christmas?"

The end.

Merry Christmas readers. 

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