part 11

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I'll find you
Part 11

After arriving into town tourmaline's gem begun to shake. "He's coming." Marble called to amber. "What should we do, you know he will want answers." Amber asked "we tell him the truth, black left, and asked us to keep him Safe." Marble responded with a guilty look on her face.

Tourmaline's gem started to levitate and glow. Amber and marble watched as he began to reform, only this time he came out with a new jacket and a symbol on his clothing, a black diamond on his back with yellow cat eyes peering through. "He's gone, isn't  he?" Tour asked with extreme disappointment. The two answered at the same time, both replying with yes.

You know I have to go find him, I was a no body until I met him and then he showed me everyone has a purpose. He is what the earthlings call, a big brother to me and I don't know how far I can go with out him." Tour responded. The two gems sighed
"Will you come with me, or will this be a solo mission." Tour asked with a please come with me look on his face.

"Sorry, but no. We want to stay here and live together, finally have the life we have been longing for. Why don't you stay her and be our brother." Amber replied.     "I can't stay here and pretend I'm happy, my only happiness poofed me and sent me off. I must find him, he is the only happiness I need, please tell me which way he went." Tour pleaded.  Amber pointed past the town sign letting him know he went that way. With tears in his eyes, tourmaline set off on his journey to find the only  family he has ever known.

After hours of walking he noticed a short androgynous guy. Who was small  and meek, Holding a gem that looked really close to an Angel Aura Quartz. "Hey boy!! What are you doing with that Gem in your hand, where did you get it, you need to hand it over right now you have no clue what you are getting your self into." Tour yelled to the boy. the boy stopped walking and looked up. "My name isn't BOY it's Sunny and for the gem, mom gave it to me." Sunny replied. Tour walk up closer and began to hold his hand out. "You need to turn it over, it can reform any monument now." Tour scolded. "It did reform, 22 years ago, And I'm what came out." Sunny said with tears running down his face.

Tourmaline looked very confused and began to ask more questions. "What do you mean you came out of the gem, you're human, humans don't have gems. ." Tour replied with confusion. " I mean, I. CAME. OUT. THIS. GEM." Sunny replied with an attitude. Tour just kept  asking, how is it possible and for proof that he really is a gem. Sunny held up his hand and summoned an ax, shifted his cells to make him taller and, summoned water from the ground.

"Proof enough for ya? This is what happens when a non-gem has romance with a gem. They give birth to a hybrid and die." Tourmaline thought it over for a bit and replied. "But gems can't die, what do you mean they die?" Sunny began to sob "gems and their offsprings can't exist at the same time, it's one or the other and my mom chose me."

The two talked it over for a bit, things got a bit emotional, but also cleared the air for the two to talk about not so serious stuff. "So does your gem make your clothes like mine or is it all organic, also what's a tumblr ( and why is it on your jacket. Tourmaline asked. " hybrids are born naked so we wear organic clothing, and I don't know what a tumblr is, I just liked its style. I found this hanging in a tree a few months back and took it. So what are you doing out here alone?" Sunny asked

"I lost a friend so now I'm out here looking for him. It's been a while so I'm sure he is long gone but I'm determined." Tourmaline replied. Sunny pointed his finger backwards from the direction he was going. "If you walk back way you will come across a community called \The Great Human Authority/ make sure you tell them you're a hybrid so they will let you in. Well im off, I  have a class at Garnets Dojo to get too, hopefully amethyst is there this time." The two said their goodbyes and parted ways.

After a bit of walking tourmaline finally came to a halt. "AND STAY OUT, IF I CATCH YOU BACK HERE I WILL TURN YOU OVER TO THE PEARLS." said a crazy looking woman dress in pink, before slamming the gate shut. Tourmaline held his hand out to help the boy up. "The names tourmaline( he said with a smile), what's going on here. Who was she and why did she grow you out.?" The boy grabbed his hand and stood up. "Thanks, The name is Christian and that MONSTER of a woman was Jessica, she rules over this community. She constantly complains about anything she doesn't like, and makes her team do all the work for her. I finally stood up to her and she didn't like it, I also kinda tried to replace her with a gem who looked alike but that ended badly. She kicked me out, but the people of this community need a hero and if I can't do it you need to do it. Please don't fall for her kindness, it's a trap. I know a way in but I can't go in with you."Christian  said to tourmaline.

The two walked around to a mysterious hole in the wall. "here's your way in, Good luck." Christian wished tour before running off. Tourmaline enter the the hole only to run into the woman in pink.

" Hi I'm Jessica and welcome to my community."

To be continued.
Be sure to follow my cousin on her tumblr account.

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