Part 12

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After traveling together for a few weeks Black and Bismuth because great friends, but that didn't stop him from missing his Emotional Brother Tourmaline. "I miss'em ya know, tourmaline and the others. " Black sighed. Bismuth tried lifting the mood with an up beat song, but was only reminded that he too had a friend he left behind, Strawberry Quartz.

"I had a great friend also, We called her strawberry, and she was a Quartz and a very beautiful one to be exact. She had white skin with red stripes, light pink hair and one of the greatest fighters I have ever seen." Said Bismuth.  Black smiled and noted how wonderful she sound. "What happen to her? Why are you not with her now?" Black asked

"My body over loaded and needed a reboot, but before we could stop we were ambush and she was taken. I tried to save her but my body wouldn't move yet and they got away. When my body rebooted it was to late and I haven't seen her since." Bismuth replied. Before black could reply with how sorry he was, Moodstone jumped out his pouch and ran.

"NOOO!!!" They both yelled, and with bismuth strapped to his back the two took off running after the naughty cat. She ran and ran up to the point that she ran in to a young woman "stupid cat, I hate cats" is what it sound like from far away, but what she really  said was "wicked cat, I heart cats." Black caught up to the girl and asked why she insulted his cat, and how rude it was.

"First of all, don't get in my face, second of all youobviously heard me wrong because I love cats, and third I'm Amber and I just got accepted to work for the Great Human Authority so I heading that way now." Replied Amber. Black apologized and shook their hand. "Hi I'm black diamond, and what's a human Authority?" He asked.

"Its a community for human, a place where they can get together and mingle and feel safe, and I was just accepted to work in the main court." Amber replied
Black began to reply but saw Moodstone getting away so he took off running. "Be careful there are gem eaters burried in the sand up ahead." Amber warned them and continued to make her way to the great community not knowing what was to come.

"Did she just say ge....... a long tentacle erupted from the ground. Followed by a bunch more. "Run!!!!!" Bismuth yelled. Black dodged as many as he could before resulting in summoning the krptonite blade.
(Slash, slash, slash) he slashed away at the gem eaters, forcing  them back into the ground. "Woah that was close, hey gather the tentacles up and bubble them. They are very valuable because they have so many uses depending on who you sell to." Bismuth suggested. "Like what?" black asked

"One of the top uses are weapons, whips, blade, bullets, armor and so on, All very effective against gems. If you debone them and melt their metallic like bones you get a very strong metal, if you shave the skin you  an use the hairs and make strong tread which you can use the sew the leftover leather to make armor or a whip. The possibilities are endless, although some human have eaten their meat and became very strong. Also" *crunch* bismuth stopped talking to warn black of the noise he heard.

"HEY WHO GOES THERE!!! Show yourself." Black yelled
"It's just me, Amber. I came back to make sure y'all were fine and noticed you scared the gem eaters back into the ground. But we may want to hurry before  their tentacles grow back and they want revenge. My uncle Tim learned that the hard way, he lost his lucky boot to them because  he bragged about how easy it was taking them down and didn't notice them regenerating." Amber replied

"I thought you are heading to the GHA?" Bismuth questioned.
"WHAT!!! You can talk? But you're a broken robot head, for a while I thought you were a radio." Amber replied. "Yes I can talk l, I'm a gem trapped in a robot, but why are you here you were in a hurry to that community in what seem like a hurry." Bismuth said with a sassy attitude mumbling the word robot ins his breath. "I was, but one the two days late won't matter, I'll just tell them it was a long trip and I kept running into trouble, they'll understand they seem like a great bunch, especially that Jessica. Plus I'm kind of worried they won't accept me into their Authority." Amber replied while dodging a puddle of Gem eater blood. "Oh you killed one, (Amber take a bottle from her bag and fills it up with the blood) hey this stuff will come in handy it has healing properties. I wish i had a way to tote the body, the money I'd get from it could set me and my family up for years." Amber said with disappointment. 

Black bent over and bubbled the body and next walked over to a near by tree and collected vines to tie the bubble up like a ballon. "Here I hope you use this well." Black said with a smile. " your not getting rid of me that easily I want to a least help you find the cat." Amber said with a cranky  look on her face and nervous sweat dripping from their forehead. Black shook his head and kept walking only stopping to tell her to catch up or go back to walking to the community.

A bit of time past and the three came acoss a cave, "meow, meow" the sound of meowing could be heard from the cave. The three stopped and begun to decide how they were going to do this. An incredibly long tentacle darted out the cave grabbing Black who still had bismuth basically tied to his back. "put them down!!!" Amber yelled as she pick up a lonely spear and drove it into monster's tentacle.

To be continued

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