Mother and daughter

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Riley's PoV

I wake up and roll over and hit an empty spot. James must of left when I fell asleep. I pick up my crap thing I call a phone and check the time 7:45 it reads. I put my passcode in and see I have 2 new text messages.

From Haley 💕
Hey riles, how was last night so you like them?

I know, Haley's only 9 but we all get phones so if we go out Louis or another career knows where we are at all times.

To Haley 💕
Not sure, yeah there lovely but I don't know if I like the whole family life in general xox

I decided to look at the other message. Wow Harry messaged me.

From Harry
So how's things going. You up for a little sneaking around later 😉

To Harry
What do you have in mind?

I roll out of bed and hop in the shower. I get out and blow dry my hair and put in in a messy bun. I look in my closet which I have nearly put all my clothes in. Hmm what shall I wear?
I decide on Aztec short overalls, black cropped t shirt, my necklaces and some rings. I look at my hats and decide to curl my hair.

I curl my hair and grab my hat and sunglasses. I make my way down stairs and put my dr martins on. I make my through to the kitchen and look through the cupboards. I grab some granola, yoghurt and chop up some fruit. I make myself a cup of orange juice and sit in there island in the middle of the kitchen. I turn the tv they have on in the kitchen and put on lifetime. I watch dance moms and eat my breakfast. PING!!

I look down at my phone and see 1 new message.

From Harry
Meet me at the spot in 20

The spot is a place me and Harry found when Harry first came. Me and Harry used to be very close but then he turned all Harry and I couldn't handle him.

To Harry
Yeah sure

"Oh darling your up early, who are you talking too" I hear her motherly voice
"Just.. a girl from school" I make up a quick lie I don't want her to get he wrong ideas.
"It's a boy isn't it?" Ugh how'd she know
"Yeah, just someone from the house" I say
"Why'd you lie about it?"
"I didn't want you to get the wrong ideas, I've know him for a long time now and he's like a big brother"
"It's fine, oh just so you know I'm taking you shopping for clothes for school. Don't make plans anytime after 11"
"No buts Riley we need to fill that closet of yours" she says laughing a little. I giggle too but it seems forced.
"Is it ok if I go out and be back here for 11. I kinda told someone i'd meet them"
"Of course but who are you meeting dear?"
"Just someone for my house" wait my house
"I mean the house" I say oops
"It's fine go have fun but be here for 11 no later"

I leave the house and put my sunglasses on. The spot is about a 10 minute walk from here so I'll be there in time. I get to the spot and basically it's just a part behind the house but it's fenced up so no one can go in there. I see Harry in the distance.

"You actually came?" He seems kinda shocked
"Yeah, it's always urgent when the spot is involved" I punch his arm lightly and giggle a bit.
"True, so how's things with the new family of yours?"
"Ok, I guess but use will always be my true family" I say
"Who's that?" Harry points into the distance and it's him.
"That's James, he's the new "brother" I don't know why he's here though. Give me a minute" I run over to James.

He raises his eyebrows and looks over a Harry.
"I'm glad you moved on"
"James, it's not like that. He's like a brother I've known his for ages" he shrugs
"Can I meet him maybe?"
"Whatever 5 minutes though then you have to leave"
"Yeah yeah whatever" he starts to walk over to Harry. I run along after him. Oh god this is a recipe for disaster.

"So your James?" Harry says raising his brows
"Yeah, your Harry the other brother?"
"Yeah" they both look each other up and down
"Yo man, I didn't know you went to the same house as riles?" Wow hold up they know each other.
"Yeah, never knew your parents were adopting"
"Neither did I but we got something good though"
"Wait a minute you know each other?" I'm a little confused here
"Yeah, riles Harry goes to the same school as me" James explains
"Oh.. Okay"

It's been about 20 minutes and James and Harry have been chatting away. I don't mean to be rude but I am kinda third wheeling so I take my phone out and see I have 15 minutes to get back. Shit!
"Eh guys I have to go"
"So soon Riley but you just got here?" Harry questions
"Mother daughter duties" he nods and I know he understands. I hug Harry and say good bye before running off back home.

I make it just in time. I probably had like 30 Seconds to spare. I open the door and see Deborah waiting at the front door for me.
"Quickly quickly, the driver got here earlier than expected" she says pushing me right out the door. This is going to be one hell of a trip.


Hey guys so I don't know if this is good or not. I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd write another chapter. Hope you like it.

Love y'all xoxo

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