My answer

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Jiley chapter 😁😁
Hope you like it
Love y'all ❤️

Riley's PoV

I wake up in my clothes I wore this morning when I went to meet Luke. I take a look at my clock and see its 7:00 ugh!

Today's the big day, I have to make the decision that will determine how my life will be from now on. I think I know what I want but I need to talk to John about something, he's my whole world and he'll know what to tell me. He's been through a lot worse than me and I've had it ruff. He'll know what's right, won't he?

I pick my phone off the bedside table.
I scroll through and find his name.

To John 🌏: Hey John... Can you help me with something xxxxxxxxxxxx

Me and John talk like this all the time, when I was younger I used to fancy him little but shhh don't tell him. He's been my best friend for I don't even know how long and I love him, like a brother of course.

From John 🌏: sorry girl, with the boys.. Band practice xxxxxxxx

I sigh heavily, I could talk after band practice couldn't I. Wait band practice at this time what the hell.

To John 🌏: isn't it a bit early to be at band practice? Xxxxxxxx

From John 🌏: yeah, apparently James needed to get his mind off thing... You 😉 xxxxxxxx

To John 🌏: oh 😳 it's fine.. After maybe xxxxxxx

From John 🌏: yeah, you could come by now and Maybe see if James is ok.. Xxxxxxxx

To John 🌏: yeah.. Ok sure don't tell him tho, see you in 20 xxxxxx

I wonder what's up with James especially if it's about me. I go into the bathroom and jump in the shower quickly. I wash my hair, body, face and my teeth. I get out and wrap a towel round me while I go into my drawers and pick out a checked shirt, denim shorts and my dr Martians.

I do light natural make up with my hair in a messy bun. I add a bandana and put my sunnies on before heading down to grab a granola bar.

"I'm going out, I'll be back before tea" I say to Amanda, she shakes her head and I walk out the house.

The band practices right about my dance studio, the next step. I love it there it's like a big family. The band practices upstairs in lost and found. There are so many amazing musicians like leila, Maggie and my dance friend Giselle's little sister Clara. Most of them just sing but some can sing, play multiple instruments and there is this one boy names Jude who can even rap.

I make my way upstairs of the buildings and can already hear the music. There is no way you can't walk into this place and not be awe by all the talent. I head into recording studio 1 and see the boys practicing. I lean against the door frame as soon as John notices me. He waves and motions for me to come in, i wave back with a huge grin on my face. I look over at James who won't even look in my direction.

"Guys I think we should take a break.." John suggests as he walk out the studio with Luke and Theo trailing behind. James just sits there staring at anything but me. I walk into the recoding area and pull one of the stools over to sit next to him. As soon as I sit down he moves and walk out. I follow behind, I can't let him go not this time.

"James, what's up with you?" I shout, eve town stares in our direction and it's slightly awkward. He just shrugs and turns back around.

"JAMES DON'T YOU DARE WALK AWAY... From us.." I try persuade him, I whisper the is part but I think he heard and his head shoots round.

"I'm not, your the one who doesn't want this.." He says worry all across his face. I gulp hard, how dare he think I form want this. I've only fought for us thousands of times now and I made my decision so I could be with him.

"I love you James, I chose for you, for us" I say looking him dead in the eye.

"You love me?" He asks walking towards me. I nod my head biting the inside of my cheek.

"Yeah..." I say as I feel his body moving closer and closer. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe as I feel the warmth of his body. I open my eyes and see he's right in front of me. He places a gentle hand on my waist as I place my arms carefully around his neck.

"I love you too.." He says as he become closer to my lips. I close my eyes and lean in until I feel his perfect lips on mine. Every time we kiss it's like the first time. Fireworks exploded I've and over again. We both pull away and I pull him into a hug. Something about him makes me feel like the onto girl in the world.

"I made my decision.." I say looking up at him.

"Who'd you pick?" I bit the inside of my lip..

"I chose us, I can't live with Deborah it would be too much torture.. Everyone deserves a sexism chance right?" I ask him, he smiles down at me and pecks my lips.

"Yeah, I guess they do.." I smile up at him and peck his lips like he done to me.

"Well I'm giving my mum one.." I say


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