Cheer tryouts

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Riley's PoV

I run into the girls changing rooms with 5 minutes to spare. I take out my same shorts, crop top and tennis shoes. I tie my hair into a high pony tail and look at myself one more time before I head outside.

Everyone is standing in a line. I quickly run over and arms at the end of the line. Apparently everyone has to audition for a spot because no spot is guaranteed. Even he dance captain has to audition, I think it's fair so not the same people get a space first. These professional cheerleaders come in to demonstrate.
"Okay guys your going to watch the routine, audition in half an hour and then who ever get through from there goes into tumbling, then solo auditions. Got it, good" this is going to be intense.

I'm going over the routine and I think I've got t down pat. I see a few girls struggling so I go over. I don't think it's fair that we've got half and hour but I'm kinda used to it. 
"Hey, you want some help?" They look at each other then nod.
"Yeah, that would be nice, I'm Gabi and this is my little sister becky"
"I'm Riley, the new girl" I say laughing I got over the part they are struggling on and the three of us  go over it before I finally go by myself again. I see the old team not even trying. I go over to Michelle to see what's up?

"Why aren't any of you trying?"
"Oh, it's the same routine every year we don't actually have to try till tumbling" she says flicking dirt out her nail. That's not fair at all.
"I saw"
"Saw what Michelle?"
"I saw you help those girls, I think you can take the thrown away from Thalia"
"Really?" I smile to myself, I've always wanted to be captain of something.
"Yeah, James keeps staring at you I think you've got a fan" I laugh to myself, no one knows me and James are basically brother and sister but Harry. I turn around and smile.
"You know Thalia isn't sunshine and rainbows she just like the other mean girls at any other school" I frown, I guess she's right there all the same. We need to get rid of her, for good and her little minions. Wait, what am I saying. I've been her for like 5 minutes and I already want to make an enemy.
"Let's do it" I say
"really?" She seems a little shocked.
"Yeah, that James is cute anyway" I say bitting my lip look over at him.
"We're actually really close, my parents and his were tight until well like died" I say looking down. Wait, what that did not just come out my mouth.
"That's even better"

We've got 10 minutes and I've got my routine down pat. Michelle told me to go talk to James about the 'plan'. All the boys are out for football practice and sitting off for there break.
I run over to there side. All the boys are staring at me. James is gone. Ugh!
"Where's Torjiman?" I say placing one hand on my hip.
"Over there" I turn round to see him talking to Thalia. I frown and feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see that west boy from earlier.
"He's a heartbreaker, why'd you need him
Anyway?" If James is going to do this to me. I'm going to beat him at his own game.
"To see if you were single" I say looking at James. He looks over and I give west a seductive look. I look back at James and he looks angry.
"Well lucky for you I am, what's it to you?"
I grab his t-shirt and pull him into a kiss. The kiss soon becomes a make out session until we get interrupted.
"Right! Breaks over" James says pushing west of me. I wave to west as he walks away.
"Bye" I run back to the cheer try outs just in time for the routine to start.

I think I done my best. I sit on the bleachers and drink my water. The football team go on another break and I see James walk up to Thalia and press his lips on hers. I gulp hard, why is he acting like this. I feel a presence next to me.
"What was with the kiss?" I hear Harry's voice
"Nothing I like him is that such a crime around here?"
"No but I know you like James" my eyes widen, how does he know.
"Me like James no he's my brother what?" I say scratching my neck.
"Quit the act riles, I know you do, what's up with him anyway he's acting harsher than usual today"
"I don't know" I say looking down.

Harry left 5 minutes ago. The bell rang for the end of school. I stayed I need to think. I sit and watch the extra football practice. Why is he being like this?
I see James run up to me. He takes a seat next to me. I kinda also stayed because James is my ride but mostly to think obviously.
"Riley,why are you here?" Is he an idiot
"Your my ride" I say looking down
"Can't you get the bus or something?" I gulp hard. That kinda hurt a little.
"Sure whatever" I get up and start walking down the stairs. I have a tear running down my face. I can't believe him right now.

I'm walking down the steps and the next thing I know i fall on my bum. I see a hand a except it. I look up and see the most dreamy eyes ever.
"Sorry, you ok?" I look at him and he's gorgeous. I nod my head in response.
"Your the new girl right?" I get up and I release my grip on his hand. He's still holding my hand, I raise my eyebrow and look at his hand.
"Oh my bad" he says smirking to himself.
"Yeah I'm Riley" I say
"Why'd you move school anyway?"
"It's staying with the Torjimans"
"Oh.. I guess you and James are a 'thing' then"
I look up at James. He clearly doesn't like me anymore. Why not go for a shot with.. Wait what's his name.
"No single actually, his parents adopted me after mine left" why'd I tell him that. Shit!
"Well if you want to catch up sometime here's my number"
"Oh what's.."
"The names Luke" he says cutting me off. I smile to myself. This is going to be better than I ever imagined.

Hey so jiley going through a ruff spot. Luke from lost and found made an appearance.
But seriously if you live in the uk. Have you seen lost and found yet it's only the fourth episode and I'm already obsessed.

Love y'all xoxo

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