She will be loved

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                                                                              Chapter One 

         There's nothing more nerv racking than sitting in an unkown room with an unwanted feeling of anxiety creeping up on you. Of course being on a reailty tv show causes you to feel this way everyday, however today is different. This room that I am adventuring around in belongs to my metor. My mentor pretty much controls the desison of my fate on this singing show that I am now apart of. 

          "Who do you think where going to get?" Jennel asks nervously as she plays with her dark hair not trying to sound nervous. Jennel is the quiet one here who mostly adventures away from the group. "I don't know but this couch is extremly comfy."  CeCe says as she makes herself at home. "Seriously that's all you care about?" Jennel asks sounding annoyed. Jennel may be queit however CeCe always finds a way to make her crack. That's the only thing that CeCe seems to be good at which is making people crack at their weakest moment. "Well I am just speaking the truth." CeCe says with a smirk on her face. "Well thanks I think my couch is comfy too. That's why I brought it." A young woman's voice breaks up CeCe's and Jennel's bickering. 

       I look up from my phone to find Demi Lovato standing before us with a big smile on her face. I watch as she gives each of us a warm welcoming glance. "Oh my god I knew it !!" CeCe runs off the couch and embraces Demi in a big hug. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as CeCe rambles on about how big of a Lovatic she is. CeCe is one of those girls who thinks they know everything when in reailty they don't.

      "Okay then , the producers think its a great idea for you girls to stay here tonight as a way for me to get to know my girls better." Demi explains. I couldn't help but look up at Demi. I could feel the shock rasing. I quickly look away as Demi's gase catches mine. There's something in her gase that doesn't feel right. I could be wrong but could Demi really be checking me out? I find myself watching her which causes her to look away. "So I will see you girls later tonight." Demi says as her voice breaks through my thoughts. I find Demi giving me one last look as she quickly rushes out of the room. 

     "Can someone please explain to me what just happened?" Jennel asks vice full of shock and a hint of conufuison. "We are having a sleep over with Demi Lovato. You gotta pay attetion more." CeCe says as he heads for the car. I couldn't help but laugh as Jennel mimicks CeCe's respons. "You two obviously don't like eachother ?" I ask even though I already know the answer. Jennel just rolls her eyes as she walks outside. I rush to catch up. 

       I am about to enter the car when I realize I forgot my phone. I run back to the house. I ring the doorbell and await for a reply. After five minutes of standing outside I find myself adventuring inside. "Hello?" I ask nervously as I step inside allowing the door to close behind me. Still no answer. I start walking towards the living room to find all the camera people gone already. I am about to head towards the paino where my phone lays when I hear a girls voice. I quicly hide behind this bush that sits next to the tv hoping that they won't find me. My heart starts to pound as I hear Demi's. 

      "Look I am sorry but we can't do this anymore." Demi says as she walks close to where I am hidding. I couldn't help but notice that this other girl seemed to have tears in her eyes. "You found someone else didn't you?" The girl asks. You can tell that she could break at any moment. "Yes I have, and call me crazy but I want more than just a sex realation ship with this girl. I don't know she does something to me. Look what we had it was fun but we need to end this because it isn't right. I am sorry. Please leave." Demi says not sounding at least one bit sad. "Okay I will leave but just remeber there is no one better than me. Good luck trying to find that." The girl gives Demi one more nasty look as she leaves. I could hear the door slamming shut which causes me to jump almost knocking down the bush. Then I hear it. My phone goes off causing Demi to look around nerivously. I close my eyes as I hear a little laugh comming from Demi. Of course she's going to laugh because my ring tone is a song that belongs to her. 

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