Ch. 46

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     During breakfast I decide to call my mom to tell her Rio is amazing and I don't really wanna go home. When I hang up the whole dinning hall is silent. "Today you must use the day to figure out what you will be doing for your circus appearance." Ms. De Leon says while standing up. "So basically we'll be a bunch of carnival freaks?" Ivy asks. "Oh my lord didn't you hear her? We'll be participating in a freaking circus." I shout to Ivy because I can't keep my anger in on this one. "What Ms. Casburn said" Ms. De Leon says. Why is she on this trip anyways? She's so irrelevant and unnecessary. "I know what you're thinking. Chill the fuck out" Isaac says and puts his hand on my thigh. I give him sly eyes and he backs up.

      "You can go outside or stay inside to work on your piece." Our teacher says and everyone scrambles to put a group together for this. "Do you wanna work together?" Angie asks me. "Not like a duet because I'm not gay." I say. "Stop being ridiculous Paulina. God you're so straight it's like you dream about dick. But no we'll be putting a group together with the other girls and Ivy." Angie says and points to everyone in our group. "I don't think so." I say and shake my head at the thought of working with Ivy.
"Fine then we can't spoon tonight." She says as if we were a couple. "Oh honey how'd you know that's what I wanted." I say and give her a sarcastic smirk. "That's what I thought." She says. I decide to just suck it up and work with Ivy even though I don't want to. Besides other girls will be there.

"Since I dance the best I think I should be the instructor." Ivy says proudly. I look over to Paulina because I can guarantee she's rolling her eyes right now. "She can't fucking dance what is she talking about?" Paulina whispers and everyone turns to look at her. "Well then can you dance Ms. Gagburn?" Ivy rudely says and I can already see the anger building up in Paulina. "Just let it go. Let it go." I say to her and rub the anger out of her. She takes a few deep breaths and cools down. "Ms. Van Howllen why don't you help us out." Ivy says and she starts to piss me off. "Ok I hope you know you won't be addressing any of us that way. And we all have to help each other because we're amateurs. So we'll do something simple. Our costumes will do most of the attracting." I say and pretty much everyone groans because we have to do this.


Just the sound of Ivy's voice makes my flesh crawl but I'm gonna have to put up up with her for two days.
    After we agree on what to do I try and find Isaac. Of course he's outside because he can't be confined for too long.
When I get outside I see him doing a drummer boy skit and it's gotta be the cutest thing I've ever seen. I stand back and laugh at the sight of his imitation of a penguin suit behind him. He freaks when he sees me so I try and act like what I just saw was normal. "Oh my god girl dont sneak up on me like that" he says and goes gay. "Come here." I say and pull him aside from his friends. I start making out with him and he gets the feeling that I wanted him to be as straight as possible with me in the moment. "Good stuff" he says when we're done. "Sean and Kassidy might be messing around but bitch you didn't hear that from me." He says and flicks his wrist. "Are you serious?" I ask because I would never expect Kassidy to cheat. "Yes" he says and nods. "I don't know what they did last night but Sean didn't come up to the room until late last night since we went to that party and Angie said Kassidy was oddly happy last night when she went to sleep. I'd expect you to see that b you were probably knocked out." He says. "Paulina you're a hoe" Crystal says and walks by Paulina to the juice bar. "What?" Paulina asks as if she doesn't already know. She's my girlfriend but she's a hoe. "Oh I just wanted to reassure you that you're a whore." Crystal smiles and leaves. "Whatever that was about." She says and brushes off the rude comment.


After dinner I go up to my room. It's only about nine but I decide to get an early night.

sorry this chapter was so short I'm just not in the mood

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