Ch. 38

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Song for the chapter: I'm into you-Jennifer Lopez
April 14, 2014
"Can I come over?"
"Paulina, I'm babysitting right now." Angie says
"Can I come there?" I ask
"Why?" She says
"Um because I'm bored as fuck and I wanna talk about Rio." I say
"I hope you like twins." She says and hangs up. I hate kids. How am I gonna put up with two of the same kid. Crap, where do they live? My phone scares me by vibrating on my dresser draw. It's a text from Angie.
^their house isn't far from your apartment. Just a couple of blocks^ it says
^K I'll text you when I leave^ I reply
^k^ she says
I put on a pair of black yoga pants and a plain white shirt. I put a my shoes on, grab my purse and say goodbye to my mom. I take out my phone and text Isaac on my way there.
^hi^ I say first
^hey^ he replays
^I love you^
^i love you more^ he says
^LIES^ I send
^but I do babe^
^ I know^ I say and as I send it, I run into a street lamp. I start cursing at the street lamp for being there and kick it and hurt my toe.
"Fucking street lamp" I say and continue walking. I call Angie because I've been walking for about two minutes and I could've passed where she is.
"Where do I go" I ask
"What colors the house you're in front of now?" She asks
"What color is it?" She repeats
"I don't know. Green?" I say and look around to see where I am.
"It's actually chartreuse but okay. You have three more house to go. This house is a peachish color. It's the only peach house on the block so you can't miss it." She says.
"Okay bye I'll be there in a sec." I say and hang up
I see a pink or peach house and knock on the door praying that Angie answers. Lucky for me, she does. You've got to be kidding me right? She's wearing a white shirt and black yoga pants. Were we supposed to twin today? We stare at each other for a few seconds instead of saying hi.
"Why the fuck are you wearing that?" I ask and point to her outfit
"I always wear yoga pants when I'm babysitting." She says and looks at me up and down.
"Come on in, meet the boys." She says and brings me into the large house. The foyer is really big and it had a small table in the middle of it with a large vase with several bunches of daisys scattered in it. She tells me that she called the parents and told them that she was gonna have a helper and they were cool with it.
"Do you know these people?" I ask
"Well yeah, they're my moms friends. I take care of their sons on Mondays Wednesday's and Fridays when them and my mom go to the country club or book club." She says
"How much do they pay you?" I ask
"$40 an hour." She answers and we're still walking to the living room through the mansion.
"And how many hours do you work." How many questions do I have?
"Depends on how long they're gone." She says and turns into a long corridor which leads to the living room.
"Are they rich?" I need to stop
"Where..." I begin to ask but she cuts me off mid sentence.
"Paulina honey, please please I beg you. Stop asking all these questions." She says and begins to walk again. We walk into the kitchen and she hands me one of the cookies she made. I'm guessing for the boys.
"Where are the boys anyway and how old are they?" I ask and eat the miniature cookie.
"Huh I don't know, Benji, Micky!!" She shouts and in a few seconds two tiny people run into the kitchen like hurricanes.
"ANNIE!" They both squeal and they both hug each one of her legs.
"Paulina, this is Benjamin." She says and motions to the one in the blue onesie.
"And this is Michael." She says and points to the one in the green onesie. I kneel down and hold open my arms to see if one of them will come to me.
"How old?" I ask and look up at Angie with the two babies wrapped around her legs.
"A year and a half." She says and looks down at them."
"Go on Micky and Benji. Say hi." She says to them in a baby voice.
"Ben's the nice one." She whispers.
And Ben being the nice one, slowly lets go of her leg and steady's himself. He walks over to me and hugs me.
"A www how cute. Why don't you give her a hug Micky?" Angie asks him and he turns his head behind her leg. She then bends downs and picks him up. He rests his head on her shoulder and his hand is just there on her boob.
"Doesn't that feel weird?" I say while playing with Benji.
"He's a baby, Paulina. Nothing's wrong with it.
"Pick him up." She says and looks at the small baby in between my knees.
"Can I pick you up sir? I ask and his toothless smile reveals.
"I'll take that as a yes." I say and pick him up. I watch how Angie is holding Micky and I try and do the same with Ben but it doesn't work out because he isn't resting his head on my shoulder. Instead he wants to look at me face to face.
"Why do they call you Annie?" I ask
"Because they can't properly talk yet." She answers and rocks back and forth with Micky. Ben wraps his little chunky legs around my torso and puts his small hands on my mouth. He makes a baby gurgle sound and looks at my mouth. He tries to shove his finger in ere but I keep it closed.
"Yeah that's a mouth Ben." I say and kiss his soft cheek.
Micky fell asleep and Ben is still not wanting me to put him down so I continue playing with him.
Angie walks out of the kitchen and to the large stair case. I follow her with Benji and we walk upstairs. She walks into his room and lays him down gently in his crib where he can nap for a while. Ben points to his room.
"Is that your room?" I ask
"Da" he attempts to say yeah.
I walk into his room and put him down. He shows me a bunch of his teddy bears and toy trucks until Angie walks into the doorway and he wants to go back up again.
"Up up." He says and holds his arms up to me.
"What's my name Ben?" I ask him
"Polly." He says softly and plays with the button on my shirt.
"Wow Ben you like Polly don't you?" Angie asks
"Da" he says and smiles at me
"Oh my god I love you Ben." I say
We walk back down stairs and into the living room. I sit on the floor instead of the couch so Ben can sit in my lap a little more comfortably than he would've if I were sitting on the couch. He hands me the teddy bear he was playing with and I thank him for it.
"Did you know Crystal got a second piercing?" Angie says to me.
"Why the fuck would she do that." I curse forgetting that I had a baby in my lap.
"Paulina!!" Angie says
"Oh fuck sorry." I say again
"Fuck" Ben says
"No no no Ben bad word don't say that." We both say and we start laughing.
A few hours pass and Ben is still playing in my lap. We hear crying coming from upstairs and so she gets up and gets Micky up. She walks back downstairs a few minutes later with Micky.
"Do you smell that?" I ask her and we both smell the bottoms of the babies in our hands.
"Yup it's both of them." She says and gets up. I get up and follow her with Benji.
"There are twin changing tables over here." She says and walks into a small area in from of the first bathroom downstairs.
She hands me a diaper and a bag of wipes.
"How do you clean a baby?" I ask
"You mean you don't know?" She says
"Paulina, you have brothers." She says surprised
"Doesn't mean I bothered to change them." I say
"Okay then follow my instructions as I clean Micky." She says
"Take off the dirty diaper first. Then take a clean wipe and first clean the peepee." She says while cleaning the baby's penis first.
"Now take another clean wipe and clean up the behind." She says and cleans the baby's ass.
"Take a fresh diaper and slide it under the baby." She says and lifts up Micky's legs to put the diaper under.
"Now put powder on the diaper and strap it up." She says. I followed along and successfully changed a baby.
After we dress them again and go back into the living room the parents of the twins are already home.
"How did it go Angie?" The mother asks
"Oh it went well Carina thank you. And Paulina was a big help with them. I think they like her." She says and I just smile.
"You should come over and help Angie more often dear. It seems like Benji really likes you." The father says to me.
"I'd love to." I say and look at Ben.
"Your mothers outside waiting for you girls if you're ready." Carina says to us.
"Okay thank you, would you like us to put them to bed for you?" Angie asks.
" no no it's okay thanks honey go home you've done enough. Thank you for cleaning up their toys by the way." She says to Angie and I as we walk out.
"Bye Ben. I love you." I say and put Benji down. He starts crying his parents pick him up and close the door.
I guess now I'll be going with Angie to her babysitting jobs from now on. Kids are alright.

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