Ch 14

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Song for the chapter:

Give me love ~ Ed Sheeran


Some people don't know how to kiss so let me help them out a little.

HOW TO KISS: with Paulina

Step 1) pucker up

Step 2) if you're a girl then wrap your arms around the dudes neck but if you're a dude then grabs her waist

Step 3) finally, kiss your partner like you've never kissed them before ( it's easy)


I haven't heard from Isaac in a couple of days. I don't want to break up with him yet. I'm starting to worry about him. After I ate lunch, Grace and I head over to Isaac's fifth period. Grace says goodbye and goes to her fifth period. Luckily I find Isaac standing outside. I walk over to where he is and try to explain myself the best I can.

"Isaac?" I ask

"Yes Paulina?" He says as if he doesn't know me.

"Isaac, I'm sorry okay? I don't know what I was thinking when I cheated on you. I only love you no one else. Please forgive me." I say

"I'm sorry Paulina, I just don't think I'm ready to forgive you yet." He says and walks away

I stand there crying, in shock because I always thought Isaac was the forgiving type but I guess I was wrong. I walk fast back to my class with tears running down my face. I can't believe I made this retarded mistake. I love Isaac and I screw up our relationship even more by having sex with a stranger. Ugh.

Oh crap tonight is Angie's recital. Isaac and I were supposed to go together but I guess we had a change in plans.



"Oh my god, Daniel I have to be ready for my recital on 20 minutes." I say to Daniel who is sitting on my desk chair.

"Relax babe, you'll do great. Me, Crystal, Sean, Grace, Kassidy, Tommy, Paulina and Isaac will be in the audience cheering you on" he encourages me.

"Thanks babe" I say and finish up my make up and pull my hair into a bun.

When we get to school, I see Crystal and Sean, they wish me good luck. I then see Kassidy and Tommy with their arms locked. I then see Paulina walking alone. She looks like she had just been crying so I walk over to her. I'm wearing a white corset, a bright red tutu, a mini too hat and noisy tap shoes but yet I don't care how ridiculous I look running toward my sister because I love her.

"Paulina, where's Isaac." I ask her

"Ummm he changed his mind about coming" she attempts to lie to me but I know what happened between them.

"Paulina, I know what's going on between you two and it's alright. I know you'll work things out, you always do." I say

"Thanks Angie but at this point if don't have any hope left." She sighs

"Well I hope you enjoy my recital, see you after. Love you" I say and walk off with one of my other dancers.


After my recital, Daniel hands me a bouquet of roses and tells me how great I did. He grabs me from behind, twirls me around and kisses me. We walk away holding hands in desperate search of food. I'm starving.


I eat my lunch alone on Monday. I'm too sad to socialize. I start crying because I'm thinking about my lost love life. I see Isaac and I quickly wipe my tears.... It doesn't work I just keep crying.

He runs over to me and wraps his arms around me extremely tight. I start to sob into his shoulder.

"Paulina I'm so sorry for over reacting. I love you so much, baby." He pleas

I'm crying too hard to speak properly so I just nod. He grabs my face in his hands, wipes my tears and kisses me. He whispers sweet things into my ear which makes me stop crying but I'm still in dreadful pain from last week but who cares.

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