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Deep End ~ THEY.


   Aloha! If you ask me Paulina needs to make her choice. It all revolves around her boyfriend and her best friend. The idea centralized around Paulina is that she is a conceited promiscuous teenager who keeps going back and forth between the two most important people in her life. That idea is half true however her thought process is totally different. She is in a state of confusion and delusion when it comes to Angie and Isaac. Its like past future present. Angie gives her the feeling Isaac used to give her in the past. Angie is working in the future while Isaac is working in the past and Paulina is feeling all of this in the present. Paulina sees herself as an exalted figure due to the amount of attention she is receiving which is only because of the reoccurring drama. Behind Paulina's pretty face and casual wardrobe is the Paulina who already knows who she wants. This is the deeper side of Paulina that completes the face she shows her friends making them believe she is truly contemplative. If we analyze Paulina psychologically we notice that she is suddenly blaming her desire on Daniel and purposely hating him for sending out a text to her group chat. These actions were noticeable from the time Paulina and her friends were in Rio. 

Conspiracy Theory who?


     Everyone is sleeping over Angie tonight because tomorrow we're going to Santa Barbara and I'm pretty sure no one wants to be picked up in the morning. Its funny seeing all of us actually ok with each other for once. Its been such a long time since we innocently hung out without any drama. 

"Come on ladies lets go to sleep." Angie's mom says when she comes into her room at about 11. 

"Mom really?" Angie asks looking up at her mom from her bed.

"Yes really. Early morning tomorrow." Her mom says and walks around Angie's room giving each girl a kiss on the head.

"Goodnight" she says to me and kisses my head after kissing Angie's, Crystal's, Kassidy's and Grace's. She shuts the door and Angie turns off her lamp. 

"Go to sleep guys." Angie says before getting comfortable next to me. 

"Crystal do you wanna sleep up here?" Angie asks Crystal who is comfortable on the floor.

"Is Paulina up there?" she asks 

"Im right here you know." I say sitting up.

"Then how do you say 'fuck no' in every language?' She asks Angie and I just roll that off my skin. 

       I close my eyes and try to sleep but I can't stop thinking about a lot of things. The fact that I'm sleeping next to Angie. The fact that I have to wake up in 7 hours. The fact that I have to spend a whole five days with a bunch of girls who pretty much don't like me and the fact that summer is close to ending. I try to clear my mind instead of letting it race a mile a minute. 



"Rise and shine girls" I hear Angie's mom say with a cheery voice when she comes in to wake up everyone. I heard Kassidy and Grace groan themselves awake from under my eyelids. 

"Lets wake uppp" she says grabbing my face and Angie's face since we didn't open our eyes. She grabs us by the chin and wiggles us awake. 

"Thats more like it" She says and leaves once everyone is awake. 

"Wow Angie. Your mom is.....Elaborate." Grace says scratching her head.

"Im so tired" Crystal says from under us.

"We had to wake up two hours earlier for Rio you know" Angie says and rubs her eyes before putting her glasses on. 

"eHe" Crystal smirk laughs. 

I get out of bed and help Angie make it. Kassidy and Grace are busy folding their sleeping bags and Crystal is already hogging the bathroom. After everyone brushes their teeth we change and make our way downstairs with our hands full of bags. Crystal insisted on keeping her sleeping mask on because shes going back to sleep in the car. 

"Ok so we have Blueberry fuel, Chocolate fuel, cinnamon fuel and plain fuel. also known as pancakes. Featuring a large pitcher of chocolate milk." Angie's mom says when we gather around the dining table. 

"Jeez mom we didn't need all of this." Angie says holding up her hands to the huge spread.

"Hush" Angies mom silences and I can't help but laugh. 

"Yes please be quiet." Crystal says already squirting syrup on her stack of pancakes. 

Angies mom places a cup of yogurt in front of Angie and a juice box in front of me because she knows milk isn't my thing. I say my thanks and she smiles in return. 

"Mom. A spoon." Angie orders her mom and she turns around shocked. 

"You're lucky I'm ya mama." her mom says handing her a spoon.

"Why?' Angie questions.

"Because I can't kill you." she says and everyone 'oohs and Ahhs'.

After breakfast we pile into Angie's moms car and wait for seatbelt to be bucked and earbuds to be be plugged in. I sit next to Angie in the back seat and Crystal, Kassidy and Grace shove themselves in the third row. 

"Where are we going? The freeways that way." Angie points out when she notices her mom driving elsewhere.

"We're going to get daddy." she says referring to Angie's dad. Everyone goes quiet.

"What? he's coming?" Angie asks leaning towards her mom.

"He said he'd like to come" her mom says keeping her eyes on the road.

We pull up in front of her dads condo and he walks out with a bag in hand. 

"Good morning Angie and Angie's friends." he says when he parks himself in the front seat.

Everyone gives him confused looks.

"Hi daddy" Angie says and leans over to hug her dad. 

"Do you want me to drive?" He asks her mom.

"Nah I got it" she says. 

Crystal is already knocked out and we have an hour and a half drive left. And for about half an hour Angie has been telling me about what she hopes for with 8th grade. I listen with ease and share what I want to happen and how I want us to have classes together. 

It's small moments like these that I cherish. Boyless moments that are pure and natural. Moments that aren't forced. Moments that always involve Crystal sleeping and moments that always involve me next to Angie. 

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