Ch 18

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Song for the chapter:

Latch~Sam Smith


I had a great birthday party last week. Isaac really out did himself, but I can't believe he would risk our relationship by pretending to cheat on me. I slapped him out of anger but I kissed and hugged him out of love. They were ignoring me all week. I thought Angie was mad at me for overreacting but I guess not. Daniel didn't bring me food. Isaac wasn't acting like a real boyfriend. Kassidy didn't give me any one direction news p. Crystal didn't help me with my homework, and Grace never came and bugged me about some random crap.

"Hey baby." I say as I approach Isaac.

"Hey." He says and kisses

"I missed you." He mumbles into my ear as he nibbles at it. He slips his hand up my shirt but I grab his wrist just before his fingertips could touch the underwire of my bra.

"Issac? What are you doing?" I ask him even though I know exactly what he's doing

"Polly, I haven't had sex in like a month and I'm dying. I need you." He says while squeezing my hips.

"And so you think by running your up hand up my shirt and attempting to take off my bra, I would fuck you?" I say with a little too much sass.

"Your bitchyness is so irresistible I can't take it anymore." He says and kisses me.

" Isaac. What is up with you lately?" I ask and stop kissing him.

"I'm sorry babe. I guess just because I'll be leaving in a few months I'm just really attached to you right now." He says with puppy dog eyes. His eyes are so beautiful, I can't resisto.

"Oh baby. Don't think about that right now. Live in the present." I say in an attempt to comfort him. He stares at me for a few seconds and just stares and stares and stares.

"What?" I ask


"You're just so fucking sexy when you try to comfort me." He says and lightly stroked my bottom lip. I playfully bite down on his thumb and start to suck on it. I make it so that I'm seductive yet innocent and he moans in a sexual way.


"Daniel, stop being such a cry baby. Angie is going to feel better." I'm trying to Daniel to stop crying because Angie has the flu and stayed home from school today.

"PAULINA!!!!" I turn my head and see Isaac boiling mad while walking over here.

"Paulina, what is this?" Isaac says as he holds up a picture of me and Daniel kissing.

"Isaac, baby, that's photoshopped. Daniel and I have never kissed. Ever." I plea

"I think I'm just gonna go." Daniel says and backs away.

"No you stay, fat ass." Isaac rudely says

"Hey, Isaac, watch your mouth" I say

"No Paulina, I will not until you explain what this is." He says while pointing to the picture

"Isaac, I swear, Daniel and I never did anything." I say as my tears run down my cheeks.

"Paulina, I thought we lived each other but yet here you are lying to me." He says

"Isaac I'm not lying to you, that's not me... Well it's me but Daniel and I ...." He cuts me off

"Forget it Paulina, I don't wanna hear it." He says and pushes past me to walk away

"Isaac." I try to chase after him but he doesn't care enough to turn around.

I know Isaac well enough that he will eventually feel guilty for what he said to me. He the squishy type. He has an anger problem too so when he's upset with me, he will show it but I don't care. I love Isaac and I will love him till the day we part. Which will be soon.

"I don't know what to do Tristan." Tristan is my best guy friend. We've known each other since we were little.

"Oh honey, it's okay. Isaac won't realize what he's got till YOU'RE gone. You're too good for him." He says. He's the type of person that can comfort you when you're upset. (He's gay)

"Thanks Tristan but I think we both know that Isaac and I belong together and we love each other

"We'll whatever you decide to do, I 100% support your decision." Tristan says with a smile.rj

"Thanks Tristan, I'll see you tomorrow." I say and we do our secret handshake thing we've been doing for the longest time.

"Hey Mickey you so fine, you so fine you blow my mind. *kiss kiss* *hip bump*" we say together

Tristan made me feel a little better. I wonder how Daniels doing. I decide to call him. After about four rings, he picks up.

"Hey Daniel, I'm sorry about earlier please don't be mad at me." I say

"Ahhhh don't worry about it Paulina I'm not mad. But next time just control your boyfriend." He says

"Sure will." I say "what are you doing by the way." I ask

"Oh I'm at Angie's house taking care of her." He says

"Oh I've been meaning to ask how she is." I say

"She's not too good, she's still got the flu and because of her coughing her asthma has gotten worse." He says and I can here Angie coughing in the back ground

"Can I talk to her?" I ask

"Of course." He kindly answers

"Hey Angie, how are you feeling?" I ask her

"Hi Paulina, I'm fine thanks for asking, just got a little cold and laryngitis." She sounds horse and very sick.

"Will you be coming to school anytime soon." Wow what a stupid question

"The doctor says I should be good to go back on Thursday." Today's Tuesday. I don't know how I'll get through half the week without Angie. I'll be stuck with everybody. She then coughs into the phone.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow Paulina I'm gonna get some rest" she says

"Okay Angie. Love you. Get better." I say and then hang up.

Isaac needs to get his shit together before I decide to dump him because right now, I'm all he's got.

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