Chapter Eight.

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Aimee’s P.O.V.

"I can’t take it anymore! We’ve been stuck inside for like three hours!" I complained.

"It’s almost midnight and I can’t go home. What am I going to do?" Harry smirked sarcastically.

"I don’t know. I’d hate to stay here in this house all alone." I flirted.

"Why don’t I stay over and protect you?"

"That would be lovely." I winked at Harry and we both laughed. He took my hand and led me upstairs. I was now feeling quite tired as I pulled out a pair of pyjamas and quickly changed while Harry was in the bathroom. He didn’t come out so I knocked on the door. "Are you almost done? I need to brush my teeth." He opened the door while fixing his curls.

"You have no patience whatsoever." He grinned.

"I don’t care, now move." I tried to slip passed Harry to get inside the bathroom.

"Exhibit A of having no patience." He smirked.

"Oh shut up and get over it." I snapped.

"You’re very cranky when you’re tired." I rolled my eyes and brushed my teeth, with Harry brushing his beside me, as he had his suitcase with him.


"Harry?" I whispered, scared of breaking the silence. We weren’t sleeping but we had spent most of the night just talking. I thought Harry had fallen asleep on me until he made a ‘hmm’ noise, indicating he was listening. "You know when we met in the airport last year?"

"Yeah?" I moved so I was looking straight at him. He sat up slightly and kept his arms around me securely.

"What made you decide to pick me to be your girlfriend, out of the thousands of girls who would kill to be your girlfriend, why me?" Harry looked at me confused before realising I genuinely wanted to know the answer.

"The moment I walked into that airport and laid eyes on you, I knew you’d be something special to me. I’m not just saying that, I honestly did. Even Louis could see how much you’d already meant to me. I was really shy that day. I knew I had to speak to you but I didn’t have the balls. If it wasn’t for Louis I don’t know what would’ve happened. Liam was having the exact same thoughts as me about Meghan so we changed the plane seats. Sitting beside you meant the world to me. I was still really nervous though. I’ve never been like that before but I knew it was because I really liked you. And nothing’s changed a year later, I still really like you – I love you and I’m not ashamed to admit it." I flushed red and smiled stupidly to myself. I went to hide my face when Harry caressed my cheek and brought his lips onto mine.

"I love you too." I smiled. Harry kissed me again and we both smiled into it. We broke away and got into our usual position, with my head on his chest and his arms around me protectively.

"What about you then, why did you pick me to be your boyfriend?" I thought the question over quickly. I took a deep breath and began to tell Harry.

Meghan’s P.O.V.

"Dougie looked really sad though, I felt sorry for him." Liam said, out of the blue.

"Well he shouldn’t be trying to take me away from you then should he?" I smiled. We stopped outside the 1D house. Liam smiled down at me.

"I’m still really surprised at what you did."

"I couldn’t take it anymore; I needed you to know how I felt." I confessed.

"I’m glad you did. I’m so happy to have you back in my life." He leaned in and kissed me. He took my hand as we walked up the driveway. Liam unlocked the door and opened it with one hand and walked in, pulling me along with him.

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