Chapter Sixty-Four.

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Meghan's P.O.V.

"Just grow a set and ask her out! The boys come home tomorrow and what if Harry snatches Aimee back before you even have your chance with her?" I said to Josh for what felt like the millionth time.

"I don't know, I'm not even 100% sure she likes me." He groaned. I was ready to kick his face.

"You won't know until you ask her out!" Josh groaned again. We were in my room. Aimee had gone to walk Pip and Josh stopped by on his way home. I pulled the quilt up around me a bit more as I was getting cold. Josh took that as a hint to get under the covers with me. "Whoa Mister. I have a boyfriend and you're in the process of getting a girlfriend!" He stuck his tongue out at me and I just rolled my eyes.

"How are you and Liam anyway?" He asked.

"We're ok yeah. We haven't had proper time alone in ages since he's busy and all that."

"You just miss him playing tonsil tennis with you every five minutes." My mouth fell open and I slapped his arm.

"I do not."


"Not." We argued for about five minutes before Aimee came home and stopped us.

"Meghan, where do you keep the- wow... did I miss something?" She took in the sight of me and Josh under my covers

"Actually yeah, Josh wanted to know if you would gmhp out wdgj hdmf?" The end of my sentence was muffled by Josh trying to suffocate me with my own pillow. I pinched his arm to get him to let go.

"Ouch! That was uncalled for!" He whined.

"So was the attempted suffocation!"

"Ok... what am I missing?" Aimee asked, clearly confused.

"Josh wa-" This time I received a poke on the ribs. "Ow!"

"Ok, stop it you two. I don't want to have to separate you!" Aimee playfully scolded.

"Ooohh, mother has spoken. Better behave Josh." I teased.

"She started it." He pouted and pretended to huff and I saw Aimee giggle and smile at him. Awwh.

"What I came up here to ask was if you wanted a hot chocolate?"

"Yes please." Josh grinned.

"I meant Meghan you div. "

"Can I not have some too?" He pouted.

"Come and make it yourself then!" Josh gave an over exaggerated sigh and climbed out of my bed.

"Yes I would like one actually." I smirked. Aimee rolled her eyes when I grinned at her. She walked out and Josh went to follow her. "Oi!" He looked around and I motioned for him to come over.

"Ask her out now or I'll do it for you."

"But-" He started.

"No buts! Do it!" I smiled evilly at him and he just sighed. He left the room and I sank back into my pillows and lifted my Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban book and started reading chapter four.

Aimee's P.O.V.

I started making hot chocolate for three. Josh came down to the kitchen minutes later. "I thought I was making it?" Josh asked.

"I wouldn't make a guest make their own drink, I was-" I turned around to look at him but I was met with his lips on mine. His arms found their way around my waist and he held me there securely. I put my hands on his chest and went to pull myself away - but I couldn't. He was just so... addictive. He pulled away after a few minutes. He still had my waist in his arms. His voice was quiet, not a whisper, but quiet.

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