Chapter Thirty.

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Meghan's P.O.V.

"Thank god for that. A man sitting next to me on the plane was a really noisy eater. If that flight was even half an hour longer I would've killed myself." I walked up to Liam who was waiting for me in the airport. He laughed. He knows how much noisy eaters make me want to throw up.

"Hey babe, it's nice to see you." He teased. "Awwh thanks. I'm glad you remembered me." The sarcasm was almost dripping off Liam's words. I smirked at him.

"Of course I remember you. It's... Leonard, isn't it?" Liam rolled his eyes and pulled me into a hug.

"Come here you!" He grinned. I wrapped my arms around him as we stood in the middle of the airport. It was so nice to be home. I missed everyone - especially Liam. I missed his strong armed hugs and his hugs and his sweet scent. I inhaled the smell of his aftershave. He pulled away and took a quick look at me before pressing his lips onto mine. I've also missed this part too.

Liam took my suitcase in one hand and mine in the other. We started to walk out of the airport, ignoring the constant flashing of the cameras. We reached the car parked over the road a little. "So, tell me about your holiday then?" He said. I scoffed as I got into the passenger side.

"It was anything but a holiday. They worked us nonstop. We were up at 9 and we're getting back into bed until about midnight almost every day. It was worth it though." I smiled as I thought about the nice fat cheque that would be waiting for me when I got home.

"Did Ryan give you any bother?" I saw Liam grip the steering wheel more.

"Nope. I told him the first day we were there that I don't want anything to do with him. He was the one who broke up with me so it was his loss really. He's just jealous I'm with someone better than him." I saw Liam blush a little. I smiled at Liam as we arrived at my apartment. We met Josh on the way in.

"Whoa, look at you all nice and tanned." He smirked.

"I know, it was a hard life being in the sun for a month." Josh and I did our little fist bump thing then he pulled me into a hug.

"Did you have a nice time?"

"Yeah, apart from the guy beside me on the way home. He was the noisiest eater ever, no joke. Liam and Josh both laughed. I didn't find it funny. It was disgusting.

"I better go. I'll catch you later." Josh walked off and got into his car. Liam and I proceeded indoors and up to my flat.

"I've missed this place!" I shouted, as though my microwave or TV would reply to me.

"I've missed you." Liam winked at me and I felt myself blush.


I made hot chocolate and now Liam and I were chilling on my sofa having a catch up. I told him more about my month away and he told me what's been happening here.

Liam's P.O.V.

Meghan went to the bathroom when my phone started ringing. It was Zayn. "Hello?"

"Hey, have you picked up Meghan yet?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"We're down at the studio. The McFly boys are here. We need you down here A.S.A.P."

"Ok, be there soon." We hung up the phone and Meghan came back in. "Come on, you're coming to the studio with me."

"But Leeyum, I'm tired." She pouted at me and I couldn't resist. I knew she would love to see McFly again.

"Please, for me?" It was my turn to pout. She tried to hide a smile but failed. Her dimples showed and I smiled myself and took her hand. It was only then when I realised she still had her promise ring on. That made me smile to myself even more.

"What are you smiling at?"


"What've I done?!" Her face turned into worry. I laughed.

"Nothing. You're still wearing the ring and I just thought that was cute." Meghan blushed as I dragged her out to the car.

Aimee's P.O.V.

The studio was madness. Harry (Judd) was trying to teach Harry (Styles) how to play the drums in one corner; Zayn, and Louis were in the other corner with Danny - who may I say looks even nicer in person. Don't tell Harry. Tom was teaching Niall how to play 'Shine a Light'. I decided to join them and sing along.

During the middle, Liam and Meghan appeared. Meghan's face lit up completely when she saw who was here. I finished singing with them and then hugged Meghan. She then hugs the boys (1D). "Tom, Dougie, Danny and Harry, you remember Meghan right?" Liam said. They all nodded and hugged her as well.

"How could we forget someone like her?" Dougie winked and stood up to hug her. Liam's face had a hint of rage in it. No one seemed to notice though. After we all had a quick catch up, Tom and Danny started to sing 'That's the Truth'. Meghan looked like a little kid on Christmas. She was loving every minute of this.

Harry's P.O.V.

I was with Tom, helping him put the finishing touches to a song he wrote for us. Tom set down the pencil and watched Aimee as she was singing along with Danny. "Aimee has some serious talent. Has she ever considered doing something in the music business?" He said.

I shook my head. "She doesn't talk about it. She came 4th in the X Factor last year but she hasn't done anything else"

"I would already have her signed up if I were you Harry. I'm sure you could pull a few strings with Simon for her?" I considered what Tom was saying. He did have a point. Aimee's voice was too good to be left unnoticed.

"I'll be back in a minute." I smirked at Tom and he nodded, smirking as well. I pulled out my phone and walked out of the studio and down the corridor into an empty room.

"Hello?" Simon answered me.

"Hi, it's Harry."

"What can I do for you Harry?" I leaned on the wall and ran a hand through my curls.

"Remember Aimee? My girlfriend who was in X Factor last year?"


"Tom Fletcher and I were just talking and we think she should see about getting signed and I was wondering if you could do the honours?"

"Well, I can't sign her without hearing her. I'll have someone get in contact with her within the next few days to set something up."

"Thanks Simon. And don't tell her I did this ok? I want to tell her myself."

"You secrets safe with me." I could almost see him do his famous wink. We bid our goodbyes and I hung up. I headed back into the studio looking quite smug.

"Harry? What have you done?" Aimee said, looking worried.

"Oh... nothing. Everything. Who would know." I couldn't stop smirking. I sat back down next to Tom.

"Sorted?" He asked.

"Pretty much. He's just has to hear her sing first."

~Few days later~

"I love you Harry! Simon said I was the best he's heard in a while!" I lifted Aimee up and spun her around.

"I'm so happy for you! What's happening now?" I set her down and we both caught our breathe from all the excitement.

"He wants me to fly over to America to the Syco Studios to record a few songs for a kind of trial to see what people will think of me." My heart sank.

"America? When?"

"In a few days..." I pulled her into a hug. No matter how I felt, this is Aimee's big break and I have to support her through everything. After all, she supported me the whole way through X Factor even though I didn't even know her back then.

"I'm really proud of you babe."

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