Chapter Forty.

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Liam's P.O.V.

"Liam, I'll be fine. Mum's coming around later anyway. You're going to be late if you don't hurry up." Meghan didn't look well at all. She was pale and fragile looking. She stood at the top of the stairs, holding onto the wall with one hand and clutching her stomach with the other.

"We're getting the train over to France, so I'll call you from there, ok?" She nodded. I lifted my bag and ran downstairs and left it at the front door. I went back up the stairs to see Meghan attempting to go down them. I put one hand on her shoulder and the other on the small of her back to steady her. "You're not going down stairs. It's back to bed for you."

"Yes sir. Can we stop by the bathroom first?" She said. I quickly helped her to the bathroom. She was sick for about the fifth time. I was starting to get really worried. I got her back into bed and brought her a glass of water.

"Will you be ok until your mum gets here?"

"Yeah, I don't think I've reached the dying level yet. Like I said last night, it's probably just food poisoning." I nodded, not fully convinced. I heard a car horn beep outside.

"That's the boys. I'll call you later, ok?" I leaned down to kiss her but she turned her head.

"You can't kiss me Liam; you might catch whatever I have." I pouted and she pointed to her cheek. I kissed it quickly.

"I love you." The car horn beeped again.

"Love you too, now go before you miss the train!" I laughed as Meghan shooed me away before snuggling under the blankets. It's killing me having to leave her in this state.

I closed the door lightly behind me, ran down the stairs and out the door, locking it behind me. I threw my bag in the boot of the car and squashed in beside Zayn.

"What took you so long? Where you getting some action in there or something?" Zayn winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes Zayn, holding Meghan's hair while she throws up is definitely "action" for me." I laughed.

"Meghan's sick?" Niall asked. I nodded.

"Food poisoning or something..."

Harry's P.O.V.

I miss Aimee like crazy. We're in such a mess. It's both of our faults though, I'm not going to lie. I should've listened to her that night. I shouldn't have assumed she's done a runner. On the other hand, she should have let me explain myself on the phone the other day. If she would've just listened, like I should've listened to her, everything would be alright.


"Meghan's not answering her phone. Do you think she's ok? I wish I had her mum's number to see if she's ok. Do you think its food poiso-"

"CALM DOWN LIAM!" Zayn shouted. Liam ran a nervous hand through his hair and stared at his phone.

"I'm sure she's fine. She's probably just sleeping." I smiled a little.

Meghan's P.O.V.

I was doubled over in pain. It's getting worse by the minute. When's mum going to get here?! As if she read my mind, the front door slammed shut.

"MUUUUUM!" I heard footsteps running upstairs. I whimpered in pain as she burst through the door.

"Meghan! What's wrong?"

"I can't move mum! It hurts!" I cried.

"That's it, I'm phoning an ambulance." I closed my eyes and tried to take deep breathes to keep calm.


"Ok, so the tests have confirmed you're appendix has burst. We need to get you into theatre A.S.A.P. to remove it before it does anymore damage to you." The doctor said. I nodded, not really taking anything in. I just wanted the pain to stop. About 15 minutes later I was being wheeled into an emergency theatre room. A needle was shoved into my hand and I felt my head getting dizzy. They were putting me to sleep. One thought was on my mind as I drifted off. I need Liam.


I fluttered my eyes open. I was in a white room. The curtains were pulled over a bit, with a small gap, revealing the darkness outside. How long was I asleep? I looked around to room to find Mum in the chair beside me, nodding off to sleep. I looked down to my right hand side. I moved the hospital gown over a little, revealing a bandaged wound. I was almost sick at the sight of it. I just had my appendix removed.

I couldn't comprehend what I had just gone through. It all happened so fast.

The doctors said they caught it just on time before it got out if control. I felt my eyes getting heavy again. Even though I was probably asleep for hours, I felt drained. I closed my eyes and felt myself drift off into a well needed sleep.

Aimee's P.O.V.

Meghan's mum had phoned me and told me what happened to her. I couldn't believe it. I lay down in bed after a long day in the studio. I couldn't hold on anymore. I opened my contacts and found his number. I hesitated before tapping on him, calling him. "Hello...?" Harry's voice came through.

"You don't sound too thrilled to hear me." I said, regretting calling him.

"Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind. We're really busy." I felt really guilty for calling now.

"Sorry, I can go if you want?"

"No, it's ok. We're on our lunch break. It's just hectic without Liam." I sunk down into my bed, literally melting at his voice.

"Where's Liam gone?"

"Meghan's mum called him from Meghan's phone. He got all excited because he thought it was her - obviously. Her mum said something about her being in hospital and he literally legged it out the door."

"Wait, so he's going home?"

"Yup." He said, popping the 'p'.


"Yeah..." The line went silent. It was really awkward now. "Did you phone for any particular reason?" He asked. I wanted to blurt everything out to him there and then. I wanted to tell him I missed him, I was sorry and that I just wanted to hear his voice again... but I couldn't. I couldn't find the right words to say.

"Um... about that - uh - the video I sent you..." I stumbled, finding an excuse.

"Oh yeah... Was there really a need to sing that song?"

"It's how I felt." I hope he picks up on the 'felt', meaning it's in the past and I've moved on and I want him back. There was more awkward silence on the other line.

I heard him clear his throat before saying, "I have to go bab- Aimee." Did he just call me babe?

"Ok... will you call me when you get a chance? I- I miss you." I can't believe I just said that.

"No problem. Talk to you soon then ba- Aimee." He just did it again. The line went dead. I lay in bed thinking one thing. Does Harry still love me?

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