Part 9

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Myself and the twins were sat in the boys dormitories with Lee. We had just seen the message and Mrs Norris. " What is the Chamber of Secrets?" Fred asked no one in particular. The boys shrugged.

 "How do you not know the legend?" I asked them. To which they shrugged. Use words! " The legend says that Salazar Slytherin made a secret chamber beneath the school after he couldn't convince Godric, Rowena and Helga to only admit pure-bloods into the school. He left the school after and inside the chamber it is said to be home to a monster only the heir of Slytherin can control." I explained.

" Ah, no you can see why having it open is such a problem." George said.

" Why don't they just close it?" Lee asked. I sighed.

" Because no one knows where it is. That's why it's a legend."

" Ah, right." Lee said feeling stupid. " Do you think it's true Shauna?"

" I don't know it might be. I only heard about from family and well they're crazy but so was Salazar Slytherin, probably." I chuckled trying to lighten the mood. They just smiled and we continued talking. Soon Fred and George fell asleep on their beds so it was just me and George sat on his bed. Their dorm was much like my own with only three people. We were casually reminiscing about past pranks in our pyjamas. " I better get going Angelina and Alicia will wonder where I am." I told him.

" C'mon don't go. They won't care just this once anyway it's late and you don't want to wake anyone do you?" George said with puppy eyes.

" George there's no where for me to sleep and I won't sleep on the floor. Do you know how much my back will hurt in the morning?" I told him.

" Just come here. I don't bite." George said getting into his bed. I sighed in defeat and got into Georges bed with him. Not that I minded I had always like George. My crush seemed to be developing recently. I was soon lulled to sleep my the gentle sound of him breathing.

" Well what happened here then?" I heard Fred's voice call cheerfully. I gently opened my eyes to see Fred and Lee looking down with smirks on their faces. I felt something move beside me. I then noticed I was a lot closer to George now. Then something tightened around my waist. Wait what?! Georges arm was wrapped around my waist and my head was snuggled against his chest. It felt really nice to be like this but I knew George didn't like me in the same way that I liked him. This was just an accident. I felt my cheeks heat up as Georges eyes fluttered open and soon his pink cheeks matched mine. I quickly stood up a bid farewell to the boys and went back to my dorm where Angelina and Alicia interrogated me.

George's POV:  

" Sneaky little Georgie!" Fred said in a sing-song voice.

" Shut up." I said blushing.

" Aw I never knew you liked Shauna!" Lee said sounding betrayed. " What kind of friendship could we maintain if you don't tell me stuff?" Lee asked jokingly.

" I didn't tell Fred anything. The curse of having a twin, they can practically read your mind." I replied. Fred just smiled and said,

" I'm here 24/7 buddy!" I chose not to tell them that I purposely pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arms around once she fell asleep. I wanted to savour the experience. She couldn't like me.

Shauna's POV:

We were all in the Great Hall waiting for our second duelling club session after discovering Harry is a parselmouth. Until Lockhart stood up and called to everyone to gather around.

" Now how about a lets have a pair. Weasley, Black how about you?" Lockhart said to us.

" C'mon Georgie I'll go easy on you!" I called back to him as I stood on the table.

" Oh really Miss Black, we'll see about that!" He called back.

" Now as older students you can demonstrate a full duelling battle." Lockhart explained. I gave George an evil grin and worry registered on his face.

" Ladies first." Snape sneered looking evilly at George. Then George let out a very audible whimper. People laughed around the room. I had quite the reputation for charms and spells as I often used them in the halls against Slytherins.

" Everte Statum!" I shouted. With that George is flung backwards like a rag doll. He clambers to his feet and calls,

" Stupefy!" But I easily block it.

" Expelliarmus!" This time he was thrown back further so I went to help him up.

" I thought you were going to go easy on me?" George chuckled bashfully.

" That was easy Georgie." I said pinching his cheeks which were conveniently pink. I gave them a peck which made them brighter.

" Miss Black if you wish a real challenge why not duel me?" Lockhart said cockily.

" Oh I have been waiting for this for so long!" I cheered causing the boys around the room to cheer and the girls to look on with worry. Everyone knew someone is going to get hurt they also knew it wasn't going to be me. " Ladies first," I said gesturing to Lockhart. He ignored my comment and said,

" I must warn you Miss Black I won't be going easy on you." 

" Oh I'm counting on it." 

" Confundo!" He calls using a spell to try and make me confused. It was weak enough for me to just move out of it's way.

" Flipendo!" I shouted and Lockhart flipped backwards in the air and fell to the floor. I saw Snape smirking and mutter 20 points to Gryffindor. I guess he hates Lockhart just as much as me. A swarm of girls crowded Lockhart. 

" She's knocked him out!" One shrieked and I burst out into fits of laughter.

" Weak minded idiot!" I chuckled. Lockhart was in the Hospital Wing for a couple of hours knocked out. When Dumbledore and McGonagall came to see me they had traces of a smirk on their faces. I got off without detention or loosing points as it was part of an assigned task but I was told I had to apologise for it. I think they let me get away with because really they all dislike him.

I was in my dorm on my own as Angelina and Alicia were in the library. Then a school owl started tapping on my window. I opened it up and took a note from it and it flew away. The note had my name on it so I read it, it said:

Shauna, meet me by the Black Lake now.   

It was a short and simple note. I wasn't sure who it was from as it didn't have a name. I recognised that hand writing but I couldn't think where I had seen it. Then it hit me. My locket.  

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