Part 27

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This house was full of mysteries and my curious side got the best of me and I decided to go exploring. I lurked around not really wanting to draw the attention of dad, all the Weasleys and Hermione had gone out with Mrs Weasley to fetch shopping.There was no shortage of portraits around the house but all of them had been covered, I was walking down the hall to the kitchen when I stubbed my toe on a cupboard. " Who's there? Show yourself to me!" A portrait beside me asked and demanded. Hesitantly I pulled back the dull grey cloth that had covered the portrait to see a tall, skinny woman with dark hair. She wore a disgusted look, here eyes pierced into me and they seemed to be able to see right through me. " Who are you girl? You seem familiar," the woman asked with bitter uncertainty.

" Shauna Black," I told her, she laughed

" so, this is how my granddaughter turned out," I was a little shocked at first but soon recovered confidently,

" So you must be Walburga Black I presume?"

" Indeed I am, now dear I hear chat sitting here all day everyday and I have heard your voice constantly talking rather affectionately with a young man. I ask of you, what lies for the next generation of Blacks?"

" If you mean their blood status, which I'm fairly certain you do, then I would have to say pureblood."

" Ah now that is wonderful news, I shall-"

" Oh but that in no way means they'll be anything like you envision purebloods, quite the opposite I should imagine. Much to your distaste, myself and my boyfriend George are Gryffindors and we strongly believe in equality between all of wizarding kind and likewise, muggle kind. So believe me when I tell you that the next generation with Black blood in them will be nothing like you would have hoped." With that I threw the cloth back of the portrait, this was met by shouts from the portrait which obviously caught dad's attention because he came running down the stairs, " oh shut up you spiteful wench!" I shouted back at the portrait as I approached my father.

" I see you've met your grandmother," dad chuckled

" yes, delightful woman."  he wrapped his arm around me with a chuckle and whispered 'that's my girl'. We spent the remainder of our time talking and exchanging stories, I wish moments like these would last forever. At least we had years to share now that he was finally home where he belonged, with his family.    

Fred, George and I were sat up in their room dreaming up a storm about the joke shop when we hear some loud talking down the hall, " Hey, sounds like Harry's here," I get up to and see him when I felt the twins put a hand on my shoulders,

" C'mon Shauna you're a witch," Fred started.

" We have better ways of getting around," George finished, both of them smirked down at me. I rolled my eyes and before I knew it we'd apparated down the hall.  

" Hi Harry!" Fred said to Harry as soon as we appeared,

" thought we heard you dulcet tones," George continued 

" don't want to keep it bottled up though, let it out," Fred continued sitting on a bed just behind Harry.

" anyway if you're all done shouting,"

" do wanna hear something a bit more interesting?"

" What do you mean?" Harry asked,

" we mean, " I dragged out standing beside Harry and putting a hand upon his shoulder, " listening in on the Order meeting of course,"

" we have our extendable ears with us," Fred explained,

" and they're fully functional and rearing to go," George finished.

We were all now huddled together on the stairs just outside the room they were having the meeting with Fred and George operating the extendable ears. Mrs Weasley and Sirius were having a passive argument about Harry when Snape butted in and said something about my father being a felon and my hair went a vibrant, dark red shade instantly. " Snape's a part of the Order?" Harry questioned, confusedly.

" Unfortunately," I said bitterly, through a clenched jaw. I glanced down and saw the familiar ginger fur of Hermione's cat Crookshanks, " Merlin, guys!" I whisper-shouted as Crookshanks took a swing at the extendable ear, all of us were trying our best to get rid of the cat but ultimately Crookshanks scampered off with the ear. I followed behind Fred and George as they sulked back upstairs, " it's not that bad guys we have plenty of others,"

" It's not that," George told me,

" we just really wanted to know what they were talking about," Fred explained.

" Nosey Nifflers," I laughed, this caused them to laugh and spirits seemed to be once again lifted however I still think there'll be some bitter feelings between the twins and Crookshanks.

Mrs Weasley soon called us all down for dinner, I walked down the stairs with Ginny chatting away about Quidditch not really paying attention to much else but as I got to the bottom of the stairs a something suddenly appeared catching my eye. I didn't need to look up to know what it was after I heard Mrs Weasley shout: " Just because you're allowed to use magic does not mean you have to whip your wands out for everything!"

Once down in the kitchen I was sat between Fred and George as per usual, Fred was staring at Crookshanks with a disgruntled face. I smacked his arm, " leave him alone Fred,"

" Who's side are you on Black?" Fred asked folding his arms playfully,

" between the cat and the crazy person I think I pick the cat," I smiled back at him making him gasp in mock horror. The atmosphere at the table became very serious very quickly when Harry began asking questions. Remus and dad were explaining things to Harry but as dad was trying to get information to Harry, Mad-Eye was trying to get him to stop.

" We think he may be after something... something he didn't have last time," dad spoke. Harry then began asking about it being weapon but as he was about to reply Mrs Weasley stopped him. Harry was talking about fighting and you could see the proud look in dad's face. He never was one for following orders, be that a good or a bad thing and that same thing could be seen in Harry, much like James. That's probably why our dad's got on so well.

A couple of days later after dinner everyone had cleared out of the kitchen, there was no one left but George and I. After a very short period of light chatting George and I had wound up kissing in the middle of the kitchen. Even if I tried to recall I don't think I'd be able to say how we ended up doing but we were. George had his arms wound tight around my waist whilst mine were wrapped around his neck, as we were caught up in the moment we didn't hear someone enter the kitchen. There was a cough from the doorway. George and I pulled apart instantly and stood there with his eyebrows raised and arms folded across his chest was my dad. My heart was racing even faster than it already had been and before anyone could speak I said, "well would you look at the time! Busy day tomorrow, school, school, school! Better get to bed, c'mon George lets go," as soon as I finished speaking I apparated me and George upstairs. George was a bright shade of pink just as I imagined I was. George let out a sigh of relief and said,

" he's going to kill me in my sleep, you know that right?"

" No he won't, he may just seriously injure you," I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

" Thanks love, that's reassuring," I laughed and kissed his cheek before saying goodnight and walking off to my room. Now all I had to do was avoid dad for as long as possible so I don't have to discuss this with him, and that'll be so easy.   

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