Part 30

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In a dazed state I slowly began to open my eyes. I was in a slightly dark room, it must have been the evening. I awkwardly sat up feeling like my joints had been asleep for a hundred years, I groaned as I found my self sat up straight. I heard a warm chuckle come from the darkness and I watched as the grandfatherly figure of Dumbledore stepped out from the shadows and approach me. " I am glad to see you are awake Miss Black," Dumbledore smiled.

" What's happening Professor?" I asked in a scared tone, Dumbledore sighed

" you possess more power than you would first expect Miss Black, you're different from other witches and wizards at this school for reasons you can hardly imagine. As you powers are so strong we will need to find ways to control them and to use them to their full ability. You will come and see me every other day during the evening and we will work from there. I must leave you now Miss Black, you must rest." With that Dumbledore turned around and left. Well that raised more questions than answered them. I was so confused, not only by Dumbledores cryptic speech but also by questions flying through my head like: how long have I been out for? Something inside me was saying things were going to get very weird for me.

The next day I was up eating breakfast, feeling much better already, when I heard a loud crash come from up the room. Suddenly, in front of me appear Fred and George with looks of relief on their face. " Dumbledore just told us you were awake!" Fred grinned.

" I don't think I've ever been more releaved!" George exclaimed giving me a quick but meaningful kiss. " You were out for three days! I was worried sick!"

" Aw, it's nice to know you care," I cooed pinching his cheek slightly which he swatted away blushing slightly. We spent ages laughing and joking, the twins were shocked with how much better I was. Madame Pomfrey let me later that day and Fred, George and I were making our way up to Gryffindor tower as we had missed the chance to go into Hogsmeade. On our way we were stopped by McGonagall, " what ever it is Professor it wasn'ts us!" I put my hands up in surrender, she laughed slightly and spoke,

" it's nothing bad Miss Black I simply need the help of the three of you," we all hummed in responce and nodded urging McGonagall to continue, " we have a seventh year student who has just transferred here from Beauxbatons Academy, she lives in England but her family thought at the time it would be better for her to attend school there. I would like you three to take her under your wing if you would." The three of us looked between each other nodding to one another.

" I don't see why not," the twins said in unison.

" Wonderful! I'll just go get her, I suggest you take her up to Gryffindor Tower and get her settled in, she'll be sharing a dorm with yourself, Miss Spinnet and Miss Johnson Miss Black." With that she turned around and walked into her office and walked back out again with a girl with instantly recognisable blue eyes, short brown hair and glasses on her face.

" BECKY!" I shouted at the top of my lungs,

" SHAUNA!" Becky also shouted, we ran at each other engulfing the other in a hug. McGonagall and the twins all shared looks of confusion. We pulled apart and shared comments of disbelief and joy to see the other.

" Could someone please explain why I need a new ear drum?" Fred asked rubbing his left ear with his hand.

" Becky here has been my friend for many years but as we got older and our magic began to develop her parents decided they didn't want their daughter going to school with a Black, especially considering my dad was in Azkaban, so off to Beauxbatons it was with her," I said sadly,

" Well, I've never really fitted in at Beauxbatons and they weren't particularly nice to me there so I told my parents they could either send me to Hogwarts like I wished or I'd drop out of school and become a travelling magician for muggle children. They're not big fans on the 'humiliating' of magic by muggles." Becky explained.

Becky and I talked the whole way up to Gryffindor Tower just catching up, Fred and George listened in in intriuge. " You'll get used to the school soon enough, be careful the staircases move," I warned as we got on to the staircases, Becky looked around in awe, " haha, and the ghosts they'll pop up every now and then. Nearly Headless Nick is the Gryffindor ghost he'll help you out if you need to ask where anything is and we're not around but most of them are okay- you wanna look out for Peeves the Poltergeist though, he's trouble and been known to dob us in it a lot!" I exclaimed, Fred and George laughed as we went through the portrait of the Fat Lady,

" Do you not think you're piling a lot on her at once Shauna?" George chuckled,

" Not at all, this place is brilliant I just want to learn more!" Becky exclaimed admiring the common room.

" You'll learn a lot in the coming days, just stick with us and you sure not to go wrong. We'll have to introduce you to our friends of course, Lee Jordan and you'll be sharing a room with me and our friends Alicia Spinnet and Angelina Johnson, you're going to love them. Fred is madly in love with Angelina," I laughed as Fred hit me in the shoulder, glaring making Becky laugh.

" Who makes Shauna's heart go faster than a Golden Snidget then?" Becky asked with a wink. She expected a bashful response but instead met by bright pink hair, me fiddling with the necklace around my neck and a glance at George. She erupted with a drawn out 'aw' to which I glared at.    

" Anyway, last but not least the last main bunch is the fifth years, Fred and George's brother Ron, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter of course-" I was stopped by a loud gasp coming from Becky. I forgot people could still be impressed by the presence of Harry.

" You're friends with Harry Potter?! The Harry Potter?!"

" He's my godbrother really, he's nothing particularly special Becky, he can be a bit of a bloody jackass at times but so is everyone else. Trust me the novelty wares off." Becky nodded along,

" I'm so happy I'm here guys. I haven't felt this happy at school in so long!" Becky smiled gratefully.

" It's good to have you here," Fred told Becky, nudging her with his shoulder. It filled my heart with joy that my favourite people were clicking together so quickly, seeing them happy definitely made me happy.     

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