Part 29

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I was now making my way to my detention with Umbridge, Fred and George were off trying out stuff out of the Skiving Snack Boxes we had developed. I knocked on her office door and entered as I heard her call. I sat in the chair by her desk as she asked me to, there was paper sat on the desk and she laid down a quill infront of me. " I want you to write 'I must not speak out of turn in lessons'," she spoke simply, she informed me I wouldn't require ink and then moved to sit at her desk. I began to write until I felt a stinging pain come from my left hand. I finished writing the line and looked down at my hand, Umbridge stood and approached me, I hissed slightly at the uncomfortable feeling on my hand as I watched in shock as the words I had written appeared on the back of my hand. "Miss Black-" she spoke in a soft voice until I cut her off much to her disliking,

" What kind of sadistic marshmallow are you?" I asked in all seriousness which only frustrated her further, I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of seeing me weak, I wasn't about to cower to the likes of her.

" That's it! I want that written one hundred times Black!" she sneered and stompped back over to her desk. I smirked and continued to write, it was going to take way more than this to take me, Shauna Black, down.

Eventually I was let out and I found by way back to the Gryffindor common room with my hand bandaged up, I may be tough but I don't want an infection - also I'd rather Fred and George not go into over protective mode. When I got in no one was in the common room except the twins who were packing away all the Weasley products. George saw me come in and lept up and embraced me in a big hug, as much as I tried to hide it he saw my hand and was instantly asking questions, this then obviously lead to Fred joining in on the quest to find the answer. As George was busy asking questions a spark lit in Fred's head, quick as a flash he pulled the loose bandage off my hand and both boys gasped as they saw what lay underneath. As to be expected Fred and George instantly dived into asking multipul questions about what had happened so I simply decided to sit them down and give them the basic story. Anger flickered in their eyes, " she's not getting away with this," George growled.

" She can't do this," Fred added in the same tone. I smiled widely at them like a maniac, this confused them but I simply said,

" we have plenty of products to test out on her don't you worry," they laughed but I could tell (especially George) they weren't happy about what was going on.

We hadn't even been back at Hogwarts a week and already Umbridge was ruining our school life. She had been made 'High Inquisitor' due to Hogwarts' 'declining standards' bloody rubbish, Hogwarts will always be the best school for witches and wizards. I couldn't even walk down the halls holding my boyfriends hand without her prying us apart. I was stood in a small crowd outside in the courtyard watching Fred and George throw around their little sparkler gadget when Umbridge came over and very passive-aggressively stopped them. After she had turned around I pulled out my wand and turned her hair a repulsive shade of green. Unaware of the change she went about her day not noticing and not understanding why all the students were laughing and giggling. Later that day as curfew had passed her scream could be heard all the way from the highest peak of Gryffindor tower.

It seemed as though the whole school was stood outside around the courtyard. Filch carried out trunks as Trelawny stood there, scared, upset and vulnerable. Umbridge acted like the spiteful cow she is. My body filled with rage, no one should be treated like this, my hair was flaming, Umbridge was going to get was coming to her one way or another. Dumbledore soon intervened and Trelawny went back into the castle.

The boys' dormitory is where I found myself next plotting. " Right boys I have an idea of what we'll do we just need a way to pull it off,"

" Say no more milady," Fred said,

" we are all ears," we dove straight into every little detail of this prank hoping to get it done as soon as possible and our care and effort worked as we were prepared to deploy it as soon as tomorrow at dinner.

We had to get this potion to her somehow but we couldn't risk getting caught at the teachers table, so that's why we were currently sneaking about in the kitchens. With the help of a house elf we identified the food that would be right infront of Umbridge and mixed the clear potion in with some mashed potatoes. We left the kitchens and made our way up to dinner with Angelina and Lee, who we spotted walking down from the common room so we didn't raise suspicion. Time always went slower during the build up to a prank but soon enough food was out and the climax was so close. I cast a spell on the professors either side of her so they didn't eat the spiked food (no matter how funny it would be to see Snape fall victim to this we didn't want to take away the satisfaction of the prank). Fred, George and I sat watching on eagarly, as if in slow motion the potato moved passed her lips and in a split second she let out an enormous bark. Quickly, down on all fours she ran up and down the front of the Great Hall barking. A lot of professors could be seen trying to surpress laughter (I swear I even saw a grin on Snape's face) but the whole hall of students errupted with laughter. I looked over at the professors and made eye contact with Professor Trelawny and sent her a warm smile and in her face she looked very touched. After a few moments Umbridge froze and bolted up from where she was on the floor. Her face red with anger she stormed down the aisle between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables and stopped at where the three of us were sat. " What do you three have to say for yourselves!" She shouted,

" we have no idea what you are talking about Professor, why would anyone want to cause such embarrassment?" I told her innocently,

" I HAVE HAD ENOUGH BLACK!" She began shouting at me, everyone looking on wide-eyed and unsure what was going to happen. Suddenly, a familiar pain rushed through my head and I once again doubled over but this time I screamed, the pain was so much worse. It had been getting worse, I didn't tell Fred or George that I had been getting them so frequently but all they would do was worry. Umbridge continued shouting telling me to be quiet or to stop and listening whilst Fred and George tried to calm me down, everyone in the hall couldn't be more confused. I heard fast steps approaching us and soon a frail hand was on my shoulder. A spell was cast and suddenly I fell into a deep sleep and pain ceased.

George's POV:     

Then suddenly that was it, the screaming stopped and Shauna was asleep. " Will you boys help me take Miss Black to the hospital wing," Dumbledore asked Fred and I, we were quick to get her up and I lifted her up bridal-style.

" Dumbledore do you-" Umbridge began in her patronising tone before Dumbledore cut her off,

" Not now Dolores I have more pressing matters to attend to." He said bluntly. We rushed through the school to the hospital wing where we were met by Madame Pomfrey. I lead Shauna down gently to a bed Madame Pomfrey had lead us to. Fred and I kneeled down beside the bed in worry whilst Dumbledore spoke with Pomfrey.

" She'll be okay George," Fred said reassuringly, holding onto my shoulder,

" she has to be."

" boys you will need to leave Miss Black to rest, I assure you I am going to do all I can to find out what is wrong here," Dumbledore said softly. Fred practically had to drag me away from Shauna's bedside. What made me more uneasy about leaving her was the suspicion I had that Dumbledore knew more about this than he was letting on. I just want Shauna back safe and sound.

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