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It had all been a blur as Ian and Jez arrived. He vaguely remembered them strapping Connie to a spinal board with full precautions and then being lead into an ambulance himself. He hadn't seen her since they'd been rescued, he sat outside majors and prayed that she was okay. He couldn't go in... Not yet... He wasn't ready for what life was about to throw at him.

He looked up as Zoe opened the doors. She looked exhausted and Grace looked like she could sleep for a week.

"I'm going to take Grace home... Connie's asking for you... Hold her hand... Stay with her,"

"What's wrong with her Zoe?" Jacob asked, standing up and leaning against the wall.

"We're not sure of the extent of the damage, but when she fell she damaged her spinal cord... She's stable but..."

"She can't feel her legs Jacob," Grace uttered, "she needs you... I'm sorry for what I said... I said she had to choose between you and me or I'd go back to dad," she sobbed, "I didn't mean it... This is all my fault,"

Jacob shook his head, "no sweetheart it isn't,"

"Can I visit her tomorrow,"

Zoe and Jacob nodded, "of course... But you won't be any good to your mum in this state will you... Let's get you home,"

Grace wrapped her arms tightly around Jacobs waist, "I'm scared,"

Jacob bent down and placed his hands on Graces arms, "I'm going to tell you a secret... I'm scared too," he nodded, "but we have to be brave for your mum... She needs us to be brave,"

Grace nodded, "I will if you will,"

"You've got yourself a deal firecracker," he smiled.

He opened the doors, watching how she opened her eyes as he entered.

"Jacob?" She uttered, "are you alright?"

"All the better for seeing you sweet cheeks," he smiled, taking her hand and pressing a gentle kiss to her head,

"I can't move my legs," she told him quietly, "I can vaguely feel them, but they don't feel like they belong to me."

He brushed her hair from her forehead, "have you seen the spinal surgeons yet?"

"They're coming down within the hour... I'm scared Jacob..."


"I'm scared of all the rehab and the future... What if I can't walk again,"

"Once they've stabilised your spine we'll know more... And I'm here for you... Whatever the outcome, I'm here,"

"No," she uttered, her eyes tearing, "I put my daughter over you, I hurt you... This was never part of the deal... You deserve more than this..."

"And what if all I want is you," he asked, his eyes tearing, "I don't want to go, I want to stay here with you... Unless you don't want me too, if you want me to go, I'll go..."

She squeezed his hand, "don't go... I'm scared,"

He kissed her lips gently, "I've got you babe I promise,"

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