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"I've been thinking..." Grace begun as she sat in the kitchen watching Connie making tea and pausing to rub her lower back,

"Sounds dangerous," Jacob commented as he appeared and ruffled Graces hair before kissing Connie's cheek,

Grace rolled her eyes, "when you two get married... You'll have the same name... A different one to me..."

Connie looked at Jacob and they both nodded,

"That's true sweetheart..."

"Is there a way that I could have the same surname as you both?"

Jacob slipped his arms around Connie's waist and she leaned into his chest gently, "we could change your surname to masters too... Or you could be masters-strachan or..."

"Grace Masters," the young girl smiled and nodded, "id like that..."

"Would you like me to discuss it with your dad?" Connie asked and Grace shook her head, "no... I'll do it... He's less likely to shout at me..."

Jacob laughed as Grace got up, "I'll call him now,"

Jacob lead Connie upstairs, before locking the door, "take off your top and lie on the bed," he told her, "and before you ask I know your daughters home... It's not like that,"

She smiled and did as he asked, amused as he too took off his top and poured warm oil onto his hands,

"Close your eyes," he whispered, pressing his lips against her neck,

She sighed as his hands began to massage her aching spine, his fingers teasing out the knots and running firmly over her well healed scar. "You've been working too hard .. Don't think I haven't noticed you've returned full time... Or that you've started taking pain killers again..."

She didn't answer him and he pressed a kiss to her shoulder, "turn over," he whispered, "don't worry the doors locked and I can still hear her on the phone..."

She lay on her back and his hands begun to massage her firmly, "your hands are magic," she uttered, her eyes lightly closed and she gasped as his mouth pressed against her breast,


"I can't resist you... You need to be quiet..."

She arched her back as he slipped one finger inside of her, his other hand still warm from the oil ran up and down her side as he slipped another finger inside. His mouth grazed her breasts and she gasped as she suddenly felt his tongue flicking between her legs, "oh," she uttered as he moved so slowly and carefully, causing her hips to start to buck.

His mouth covered hers as she orgasmed and panted hard against him,

His hands pressed gently against her stomach, before he lay beside her and pressed a kiss against her forehead,

She turned to face him and laughed, before kissing him softly, "so, your daughter wants to take my name," he stated gently, unable to hide the smile on his face,

She nodded, "you must have done something right..."

He rested on his elbow and placed his hand on her face, his thumb brushing her skin, "I don't know what I've done right to get you two girls to like me... But I'm not complaining,"

She curled into him and he moved his hand from her face so it wrapped around her, his hand rubbing gentle circles into her back.

"I need to stop napping in the day," she uttered, feeling him kiss her forehead gently,

"You're still healing, you nap for as long as you like."

As she fell asleep he was aware that Grace had gone quiet. He pulled the duvet up over Connie and kissed her once before quietly leaving their room.

"How did it go firecracker?" He asked as he handed her a cup of tea and sat next to her,

"Hey, where's mum?"

"Asleep," he smiled, thinking just how much the young girl reminded him of her mother,

"She okay?"

He nodded, "it's to be expected after the accident... Although it was six months ago, her body is still healing and you know how hard she works..."

Grace nodded, leaning against him as he sipped his coffee,

"But you're sure she's okay?"

"Positive," he smiled, "so..."

She rolled her eyes, "dad sounded a bit mad... He asked if mum had persuaded me and I said no it was because I wanted the same name as mum... He said he wanted to speak to her about it at some point, but that he would agree,"

Jacob nodded, "I doubt he's angry... He's probably just a bit sad... But give him time and he will come


"I used to want them to get back together," she admitted, "but now you're here I can see that dad didn't make her happy... Not the way you do,"

"You will always be her favourite person in the world Grace... Don't forget that..."

Grace smiled, "she can have two favourites... And I'm happy with the fact that she's got both of us to love her,"

"What are you two up too?" Connie asked as she entered the kitchen, surprised to see it was almost dinner time,

"Grace, I'm sorry I fell asleep for so long... We can get you some new trainers tomorrow..."

"You need the rest Mumma, and don't worry, Jacob got the ones we spoke about,"

"Thank you," she smiled at Jacob who winked at her fondly,

"We're making lasagne... Well Jacob is and I'm assisting,"

"Assisting in making a mess by the looks of it," Connie grinned, "look at the state of this kitchen,"

"Organised chaos id say..." He smiled, "I said to Grace that we'd take her to the place where I proposed this evening... I thought we could pick up some wine and ice cream on the way there..."

Connie's heart tightened with pride as she watched the two of them together,

"You okay mum?" Grace asked, wrapping her arms around Connie tightly,

Connie smiled and kissed her daughters hair, "I'm fine baby... In fact with you two here getting along so well, I couldn't be happier."

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