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Connie was woken up from a light sleep from a gentle knock on the door. She had returned to work part time and as much as she hated to admit it, it tired her out far more than she'd expected.

She was surprised to see a girl stood on the door step. She looked about 20 and she ran her hands nervously through her hair,

"I'm sorry..." She uttered, before turning and running down the driveway,

Connie grabbed her keys and jogged after her, "hey..." She smiled, "you obviously came here for a reason... Come in and have a cup of tea... If you don't want to talk I won't make you and you can go..."

Connie watched as the girls eyes flickered over pictures of her, Jacob and Grace,

"Sugar?" She asked,

"Two please, no milk..."

Like Jacob, she thought and then it clicked. "Are you here to see jacob?" She asked, noticing how the girls breathing increased. As she looked at her, she saw how similar she looked to jacob, and she could guess what was coming next...

"It's okay... You can tell me..." Connie coaxed gently,

"I think he's my dad..." She begun and if Connie was surprised she didn't show it, 

Connie handed her her tea and sat beside her, "he's at work... He should be home soon..."

"What does he do? Mum said he was in the army when she knew him,"

"He's a nurse," Connie replied,, 

"I'm training to be a nurse," Jade smiled, she sipped her tea and Connie instantly felt for the young girl  who had come here alone, 

"Are you his wife?" Jade asked, looking up at Connie under dark lashes, "the pictures of you all are beautiful..."

"That's Grace," she smiled, "she's my daughter, but Jacob accepted her so easily... I'm his fiancé..." Connie smiled, "he's a good man you know,"

"Mum said she never told him about me... She finally agreed to give me his name a year ago... It's taken me this long to pluck up the courage and find him..."

They heard a car pulling up and Connie smiled, "I don't even know your name..."

"Jade," she replied,

"I'm Connie... Wait here, I'll talk to Him... Don't worry..."

Connie stepped outside to meet him and he knew immediately things weren't how he left them.

"What's happened? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly,

She placed her hands on his arms, "I'm fine," she smiled... "Erm..."

"Connie," he stated, "you're worrying me..."

"There's a girl inside... Jade... She said she's your daughter....she looks about 20.."

She watched how his eyes flickered across her face, "I..."

"I don't know anymore than that.. She has her tea like you... And she looks like you..." She smiled, "she's very nervous but she seems nice,"

"Jesus..." He uttered,

"Go and talk to her, I'm going to pick up Grace..."

"Are you okay?"

She smiled, "don't worry... I'm

Not mad... Call me if you need too..."

Connie popped her head around the door, "I've told him... He's coming in now, it's nice to meet you..."

"You're not staying?" Jade asked,

"I need to pick up my daughter... But I'll hopefully see you again soon."

Connie kissed Jacob's mouth firmly, "I've told her you're a good man," she smiled, "I love you, I'll see you later,"

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