Chapter 14

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Austin's POV

It's been a couple days since we found out there was a lung avaliable for Alan to have. He ended up having to stay at the hospital since. They had to prep and get him ready, telling him what was going to go down when it happened.

They explained to us both about after the surgery and how careful we'll have to be for a good month or two. He'd have check ups every couple months or so for a good year or two then the amount of checks up would decrease. It was going to be a hastle.

But it was going to be worth it, a hundred percent.

I held Alan's hand as he talked with Kellin on the phone. We hadn't even told the two about it yet. We wanted to keep it on the down low because we didn't want anyone freaking out.

Alan and I were already freaking out enough, along with the kids. We were worried about the money and cost of all this. It was a lot and we could barely afford it. We might have to move out of our house or take out loans. We weren't money ready for this and I hated it.

When Alan hung up with Kellin he sighed and looked over at me.

"I think we should tell them." He told me.

"Yeah, we probably should."

"Well the surgerys in a few days so should we call them later or tomorrow?"

"Either is fine with me, it's up to you," I told him.

"Well I just got off the phone with him so you call one of them."

"I'll call Vic in a few," I said.

"Okay, good enough for me."

"Alright, how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay."

I smiled and kissed the top of his head, "I'm glad."

"You should call him or the kids. I miss them."

"I can pick the kids up and bring them up here if you want," I offered.

"I don't want them to see me like this again."

"It's okay you know," I said quietly.

"What's okay?"

"For them to see you like this."

"I don't like it."

"I know you don't."

"I hate it."

I sighed and ran my fingers through his hair, "Well it's all going to be over soon."

"I hope so."

"I know so," I said. "Besides, if the transplant doesn't work they can just take the lung. I mean, I've talked to Vic about this. You can survive with just one lung and live a good, long life. A lot of people do."

"I know."

"So you'll be okay," I said.

He nodded slowly, "I love you." He told me quietly.

"I love you too Princess."

"Call your dad."

"Okay, okay," I said and pulled out my phone.

"I wanna hear my kids."

I nodded and dialed my dad's number.

"Mm, put him on speaker," Alan said.

"Hey dad," I said, as soon as my father answered and put him on speaker.

"Hey you two, everything okay?"

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