Chapter 68

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New chapter!

Again I apologise for the wait....butt I really do struggle to write a chapter... :/   I really NEEEED to get this book finished....and I sort of have an idea of how I shall do that...but don't worry...there will be some more drama before that happens ;).....making a guess here....I;m gunna say that this story possibly...will only have ten chapters left....that's a MAYBE Thou...I'm just guessin :)

Buttt...thankyouuu all for reading thisss story, seriously can't believe the amount of people who love it.... :') thank you <3

Anywaay....enjoyyy this chapter! hope you like :)





I don't understand.

What am I even suppose to call....this?

I need to know what is going on...because it is driving me insane not knowing the answers to the questions I'm dying to know.

All evening Noah has given that teasing smirk whenever out gazes lock, and every time it doe something to me...does something that I've never had to feel before.

I need to know. I need to know what this all means...what this means to him and even me. Because I'm sure as hell confused onto what this all means...


I look up startled by the voice and see the face of my twin as he stands beside me...

“Hi...” I mumble out, letting out a small sigh before moving my gaze back to the place I've been staring at for the past half hour at least.

The horizon where I can see the specks of city lights as I'm sat on the front step of the Dean's house.

“What are you doing out here?” Seth questions as he comes and takes a seat down beside me, a plastic cup in his hand with some kind of fizzy drink in it.

Sighing again, I shrug, not moving my gaze, “Nothing....just needed air...” I reply quietly, “Why are you out here?” I question him, not wanting the attention one me.

Seth shrugs before answering, “The same reason as you...” he shifts position, “And also I was trying to find you.....I think we are going to be leaving soon”

I nod my head slowly, I want to leave. A part of me does because with being here it just confuses me so much more, but another part, the more stubborn part refuses to leave...because there is something here that is keeping me...

I hear seth sigh, “what's wrong?”

I frown, peeking a glance to him from the corner of my eye, “Why do you think something's wrong?”

Rolling his eyes at me, his action making my question sound stupid, “Because I know you Lex....I know when something's bothering you” He says and I feel my shoulders sag as I realise he's right. He does know.

“So what's wrong?”

I huff a breath past my lips heavily, slumping forward onto my elbows that are resting on my knees as I drop my gaze down to the stone steps that I am sat on.

“Are you ill? In pain? Do you want to go home now? Should I tell mom?” Seth asks questions rapidly, concern in his voice and I shake my head frowning at reasons.

He stays silent for a moment or too, and I feel his eyes boring into the side of my head, as if he's reading my mind...and I honestly think he does because his next question is almost like he has...

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now