New Chapter!
:) Whoop! so yay! I've finished all my exams! :) aha...soo now can possibly upload more :) sooo glad they are over! major pain in the arrse they are! :P ;)
I'm like on the 34 chapter....and damn...I'm like no where near the end of this story :P :)
annywayss.....hope you like this chapter! :)
Pic is of Blake ;) ------->
Why am I doing this? I keep thinking to myself as I carelessly kneading the dough that’s in the bowl, scowling at a certain brown haired boy with his back to me....
Why the heck did I agree to this!?
Not only does Noah want me to....but when Cory and Lee heard me agree...they basically demanded I cook you can tell where this is leading...
I’m mixing some cookie dough....
The best thing to cook to show cooking skills...but hello! I didn’t say I could actually cook that great....sure I could cookies....that’s basically the first thing my mom caught me as soon as I was able to pick up a spoon...
“Don’t forget chocolate chips!” Cory yells as he exits the kitchen...
I roll my eyes leaning against the counter with my hands in the bowl “Yes...” I mumble eyeing the packet of chocolate chips that sit just a few inches away from me on the counter....and I nudge them so they are hid behind the toaster and duck my head to hide a sly smirk......
“So they nearly ready?” Noah pipes up turning around and walking over to me with a silly smile on his face....
I roll my eyes as I press the dough together with my palms and fingertips in the bowl “Yeah sure....if you wanna eat it raw...” I reply sarcastically
“You know what I mean...” He rolls his own eyes but with a small smirk playing on his lips..
I just hum in response as I finish off pressing the dough together....
After rolling out the dough on the work top and cutting out some random shapes, mostly circles, while Noah just stands there watching....which is pretty annoying actually with someone just constantly there’re. Every. Movement!
As I place the last cut out circle dough of cookie on the tray I glare as I reach across to the bag of flour, shoving my hand in quickly and grabbing at least a handful of the white powder.....I pull my hand out and throw it in Noah’s direction
“Would you stop just standing there! Watching my every movement! It’s bloody annoying!” I snap at him laughing internally as I see his shock face, now half covered in flour as he blinks it out his eyes....well that’s your fault for just standing there!
I pick up the baking tray and turn towards the oven and slide it in, slamming the door and setting the timer...
I gasp as I straighten back up straight as a sheet of white flows over my head, getting in my eyes and sticking to my clothes...
A scowl forms on my face as I spin around to see a smirking Noah, caught red handed...or white handed I should say as his hands are covered in white flour....

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!
Teen Fiction~STORY COMPLETED! just in process of editing~ Lexi Walker has 12 brothers. Twelve irritating, annoying, bossy and protective brothers. The only female contact she has in her life is her mom and has to cope with all the pranks, arguments and play fi...