YESS!! I’ve uploaded early! Yaay I’m so proud of myself! :D haha
But I have...because..well..I love ya guyyss! :D ...and well I’m hoping to update more in the week with more uploads :)
Urm....this chapter is kinda short :/ so sorry about that...but I kind wanted it to end like it does :)...hehe in which some of you might not like....:P so sorry in advance!
OH.....I’ve FINALLY got TWITTER! Yup! :) Sooo....if you would like....pleease follow me! :) I can keep you updated with my uploads, you can contact me easier to ask me anything or just talk :) cus I love both :)...AW...It’ll be cool!
FOLLOWW? PLEEEASEE! :) and I promise to follow you all back too! :D so go follow!
(I’ll post it in comment below aswell )’s the Chapter!
“You sure you’re okay?”
“Yes Seth, I’m fine” I sigh giving him an annoyed look “Just like the last 20 times you asked...” I mutter under my breath not caring if he heard or not and slide of the bed slowly...
“Yeah, well you did get hit pretty hard...” He says placing his hand under my elbow to ‘help’ me stand up....even thou I’m perfectly capable of doing it myself...
“Yeah you did Lexi...” I turn my head to narrow my eyes at the boy still in the corner, who hasn’t moved and been sat there all this time...
“Yeah and it would have landed on your sister if I didn’t get in the way..” I snap slightly as I glare at him, shaking Seth’s hand off and hold in place the ice pack on my lower back.... “I wish I never even pushed her out the way....”I grunt to myself grateful she is...
Seth frowns at me as I ignore his attempt to help me, cus I don’t need it...and I make my way to the door...
“Yeah and I thanked you for that” Noah says standing up with a small smile/smirk on his face “and I’m sure April will again as soon as she sees you...”
“Great...” I mutter as I walk past rolling my eyes, I couldn’t care less now anyway....
Exiting the nurses office I still wince slightly from the pain in my back, there’s gunna be a massive bruise their tomorrow I tell ya.
“What you got next Lex?” Seth asks coming up beside me and handing me my bag – I’ve already changed back into the uniform..obviously having shoved the two guys out the room...
“Uh...urm...” I mutter thinking on what I have next as I sling my bag on my shoulder
“You’ve got Art” Noah suddenly pipes up and I frown at him “with me....” He grins..
I roll my eyes “Fantastic..” I mutter and turn in the direction I need to go
Noticing the look my brother gives Noah as he comes to my side....makes me remember why....
I frown back at my twin, annoyed that he’s still doing this.
Not just him...but the others too........I mean yes, Noah’s annoying –extremely annoying actually – but that doesn’t give them the right to tell me I can’t ‘hang around’ with’s my freaking life!

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!
Teen Fiction~STORY COMPLETED! just in process of editing~ Lexi Walker has 12 brothers. Twelve irritating, annoying, bossy and protective brothers. The only female contact she has in her life is her mom and has to cope with all the pranks, arguments and play fi...