Chapter 57

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  • Dedicated to To everyone who helped me with ideas, who commented their ideas :) <333

New chapter!  yay! uploaded!

Really not in the best of moods today :(.....really do need someone to cheer me up :’( always want that one person that we can just talk to about anything on your mind..... *sigh* fed up.

BUT....writing helps :) actually does, takes your mind of things :)

So sorry for the wait for this chapter! And thank you very much for your comments and help for this chapter :) it did really help knowing what you guys, the readers want to see happen :)

I did take in what you guys all said....and have put it in the story :) may be slightly different from what you think ;)

So thank youuuu!

Anywwaaay! Enjoy the chapter!.....I’m waiting on your comments :P....

Oooh song on side I thought relates pretty well to Lexi ;)





Whoa...what am I doing?!

Why am I letting this happen?!

Why not pull away?!

The answer shows for itself as I feel my insides melt at his touch, my mind clouds up, only focusing on one thing and one thing only,  all my other senses feel numb, as if this is a completely different world, and the only thing my attention is on is this kiss......

I feel him take over, which I don’t mind at all, feeling one hand being placed on my hip, while the other is cupping my cheek still gently as his lips move with mine..

Is it weird that I find this.....weird? in a different weird, not a bad way no!...but different in the way that I’ve never had this before....and by this...I mean this situation... kissing a guy...except that one night....

Stupid? Pathetic? I know....but it’s true...

But the thing is, those thoughts went straight out of my mind as soon as he touched me...

And now? my minds empty, with just one thing on my mind.


Pulling away from the kiss, my breathing is coming out faster than before, with my eyes slowly opening as the surroundings come back in sight, the distance noise of music and laughter coming from outside is heard again...aswell as my own heartbeat in my ears..

My eyes lock with those brown ones, that are only inches away from me, as he rests his forehead against mine, his thumb softly caressing my cheek, which I hardly notice as I feel so mesmerised by his eyes.....

“Lexxiii?!” A holler of my name echoing up from the corridor the other side of the door, catches my attention, bringing us back to what’s happening right now.

I blink, my eyes flickering towards the door as I hear a familiar voice call for me....


Before I can even blink again, I feel the loss of contact from my skin, and turning my head back...I see that Noah’s stood at least a good few feet away from me, rubbing his neck, looking to the floor...

I blink again, a frown forming on my face....


“LEXI?!...where you at girl?” Charlie’s voice is closer now, snatching my attention once more...

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