Chapter 28

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NEW Chapter! :)

It's not the greatest but I just really wanted to upload :)

DEDICATED to Wingerz17 thanks for reading...and loving this story! :) means a lot :)











 “I can take her if you want..”

“’s fine dude..”

“I’ll take her...”

Three different voices I hear as I start to rise from my sleep, but don’t open my eyes as I don’t want to wake I burry my head more into whatever my heads laying on ...and I gotta say it’s quite comfy....

I hear a chuckle and then the sound of doors opening and closing....I make a small annoyed sound at the noise and shift my body wanting to stay asleep...

“Lexi...wake up...” I hear...I think maybe Chris whisper slightly with a hint of amusement in his voice and someone lightly shake me...

I grumble at them burry my head further into the what I’m laying on, feeling some kind of soft material tickle my face...

 Another chuckle is heard and I hear another car door open....

“Just do it like this..” A new voice says “Lexi if you don’t wake up I’ll like your face” Evan...I know it’s him...cus well...who else would say that?

I frown “Don’t you dare...” I mumble out not opening my eyes...

I hear him chuckle and lean over me “Oh...I will..” I can practically hear the smirk in his voice as he whispers only inches over me....

And I have no doubt he will...

I growl at him and kick my leg forward...hitting somewhere on him that causes pain and he I knock wind out of him

I snap my eyes and sit up straight glaring at Evan as he doubles over from my hit in his stomach....

“Jerk...”I mutter at him....I wanted to sleep! Is that such a big deal?

“Wow...thank you so much for finally getting of me..”

My head snaps to the left at the sarcastic voice and see a smirking Noah...

My eyes slightly widen in shock......I was asleep on him?!...oh hell no!

I blink, and clear my throat awkwardly before frowning at him and shuffle out of the car and biting the inside of my cheek......god! why was it him?! I thought it was Seth or someone!

Stepping out the car I shiver from the cold night air, realising again that I was sat in wet pants the whole ride...great...wonderful way to get hyperthermia now isn’t that? Thanks Chris...thanks...

Gosh..I’m such a sarcastic b*tch when I’m tired.....PFFT...actually that’s probably not much difference from when I’m awake....

Heaving my tired body out the car to stand up right, it feels like such an effort,’s stupid how much I want my bed right now....I only have to climb millions of stairs...

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now