New Chapter!
Soo I’ve uploaded! :) and want to thank everyone who’s reading...because the reads keep going up..and I seriously didn’t think people would like this...but you do! And it’s awesome!
So thank you! :)
Just to let you know...I skipped out a week in well...I didn’t know really how to fill it :P but it’s hopefully gunna get interesting sooooon ;)
On side pictures of their dresses :) à
So a week has passed already, meaning its Friday and meaning one thing...
Its mom’s work dinner tonight.... meaning I have to wear a stupid dress, in which I’m dreading.
You know when you want the time to go quickly because you’re excited about something? Yeah, but then time decides to go agonisingly slow and you get inpatient not wanting to wait.....and then when something that you don’t want to happen and you try to prolong the time as much as you can? But it just goes by like the speed of light and you have no chance?....yeah well that’s how I feel now, as the hours of the day seem to fly by even thou I’m dreading every next’s just so typically
You want something to come quickly, and it doesn’t. You don’t want something to come quickly...and it does!
I huff out a breathe, glazing at the clock for like the tenth time in a minute, to see that it’s only half an hour until school ends...until I have to go home...
I quietly whimper to myself, seriously not looking forward to this...
Oh and guess what class I’m in last period on Friday......
Yup, Art...again.
I sigh resting my head in my hand that’s resting on the table, and watch Charlie who’s sat next to me paint over her drawing of a rose in paint, and it’s pretty impressive to be honest..
“It’s rude to stare you know..” Charlie’s lips tug up into a smirk as she traces the pencil lines perfectly and speaks without looking up from it...
“So?” I lift an brow, a light smirk coming to my face as I make it obvious that I’m actually staring at her working...
Chuckling she dips her brush into the paint “If you’re not careful....I might just...” she trails of and I should have seen it coming “Ooops!” She squeaks out with fake innocence and grinning...
My eyes widen and I gasp...”Charlie!”...but can’t help but let out a giggle..feeling the wetness of the red paint she’s just smudged across my cheek..
“ brush slipped...” She grins slyly, mischief gleaming in her blue eyes..
I roll my eyes at her lame excuse and sit up on the stool before sliding of it “I hate you...” I give her a mock glare as I walk past, but not being able to keep the light smirk of my face, showing I’m not actually mad...I’ve had worse places for paint to be splashed on me before...
Charlie grins “Love you too!” She chimes after me as I walk away, over towards the sink the opposite side of the classroom with a slight chuckle to myself...
Well at least she gave me something to laugh about and for a split second forget about the dreadful thing tonight...
With that thought in mind, a frown comes to my face about mixed emotions..

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!
Teen Fiction~STORY COMPLETED! just in process of editing~ Lexi Walker has 12 brothers. Twelve irritating, annoying, bossy and protective brothers. The only female contact she has in her life is her mom and has to cope with all the pranks, arguments and play fi...