I've got like1,000 reads on this story! Ahhh...I never thought I would get that many! :D
Thanks to everyone who read this! :) means alot!
oh and I've uploaded the front cover ...but it's not that good, but something ...you can always give me ideas for a front cover....or you can even create one yourself :)...I would love that :)
Oh by the way...none of my chapters have been edited..so sorry if there's any mistakes....:)
Hope you enjoy! :)....
edited -29.05.17
Oh god, oh god!
Have you ever felt that you just wish the floor would swallow you up?
Well I would give a million bucks for that to happen to me right now!
This is the most embarrassing thing.
"Lexi? W-what?" My Mom frowns confused, slightly shocked I would guess as to my under dressed state.
I feel my cheeks warm and I groan out loud. Just perfect.
MY eyes flick to the two still shocked faces behind mom, but one of them is quickly coming amused and eyes flickering over me making me cringe.
What else could make this even worse?
I flash my eyes quickly to mom, begging her to help me with my eyes.
She shakes her head at me and starts to walk up to the porch "Lexi, put some clothes on" She says her eyes twinkling with amusement and I gape at her.
She's just as bad as the others!
"Haha, nice one mom!" I hear Chris laugh from the other side of the door.
My head snaps back to the closed door with my foot "Open the fucking door Chris! I'm going to kill you!" I growl, slamming my fist to it again.
I hear his laughter and someone else, "No chance! Especially as you are going to kill me." I glare at the door wishing I could burn a hole through it.
"Oh okay then...how about I make a cake then huh?" I snap sarcastically "Saying just how much I appreciate and love you Chris!"
I hear more laughter which only makes me start banging on the door seething, I'm going to punch them. Punch them so much.
Mom shakes her head clearly amused, but trying to cover it up as she fumbles with her purse getting her own keys.
She pulls her keys out and going to the key hole.
"Hey is t only mom that's there?" I hear Evan shout from the other side of the door still amused.
"No, Noah and April are with me" Mom replies all casually as she fiddles with the key, "They are coming over so I can give them something" She says and I hear the click of the door as she starts to unlock it.
Laughter erupts again from the other side of the door and I dare to glance behind me and glare again at Noah and that stupid smirk on his face.
Finally the door is opened and then a stamped of footsteps and cusses running away from the door.

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!
Teen Fiction~STORY COMPLETED! just in process of editing~ Lexi Walker has 12 brothers. Twelve irritating, annoying, bossy and protective brothers. The only female contact she has in her life is her mom and has to cope with all the pranks, arguments and play fi...