Chapter 39

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“I’m his girlfriend”

Those three words, for some reason affected me more than they properly should have.

As they’ve been ringing around in my head all freaking day.

Urgg! What is wrong with me!?

Shaking my head I glare at the wall at the front of the classroom, zoning out of whatever it is the teacher’s saying and not paying attention.

With my eyebrows furrowed I re think over many thoughts I’ve been thinking for the last few hours, why did what Melanie say surprise me so much? More so, why do I even feel like I care?

I mean I shouldn’t be surprised...of course someone like Noah would have a girlfriend...he’s popular, attractive, in ‘that’ crowd-WAIT!...shut up! I shouldn’t! Don’t! Care!

Shaking my head annoyed with myself I get pulled out my thoughts with a nudge from someone to my side...

“You alright?” Abby asks scrunching her eyebrows up looking at me slightly concerned...

I nod my head quickly muttering a ‘fine’ to hopefully reassure her and turn back to look at the front...only having 5 minutes left till the end of the school day...that’s about the only thing good right about now......

I can’t stop thinking about it! I groan silently to myself....god sack!

The question itching at the back of my head...and no matter what I try and’s always there...

Does Noah have a girlfriend?

I never thought of that before....heck! why am I thinking of it now?!

I don’t care.


I don’t.

The shrilling sound of the bell echoing around the halls..cuts me once again out my thoughts and I jump up from my seat, collecting my things and exit the classroom with Abby, having had Biology it was only the two of us.

“So see you tomorrow then yeah?” Abby asks smiling happily as we make our way through the crowds forming in the corridors towards the school exits...

“Hmm..oh yeah..” I reply shaking my head mentally and glancing to her out the corner of my eye “Yeah, say bye to the others for me” I smile

“Course! ” Abby grins, her naturally dark red hair bouncing around in curls as we reach the outside of the school building

“Bye babe!”” she smiles giving me a quick tight hug which I lightly return

 I chuckle lightly and smile back as she pulls away grinning before turning around and heading over in the opposite direction throwing a wave over her shoulder...

I let out a sigh, my smile dropping as with Abby here I at least didn’t start thinking about that buried thought of mine....and now it’s back, great.

Turning around, I drag my feet over to the car park..and as usual meet my brothers and getting into the car...but of course somehow, news has spread to them and they start to instantly fuss about what happened during Gym class, wanting to see the damage...hello! we’re in the middle of the school car park! I’m not just gunna lift my shirt up!

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now