Uploadedddd! :)
Getting used to this more often uploading now heehee.. I need to keep it up.
Anywaayy....hope you enjoy the chapterrrr, sorry it's not much things happening...but you know, you always need a build up right? ;)
So yeah! read read read!
“Okay so...do we go dark shade? Or go for the lighter one?” Charlie questions with a concentrated look on her face as she peers at my face squinting her eyes a little.
I shrug my shoulders, clueless, “Don't ask me...” I tell her half amusedly, as even with my opinion she has gone with the opposite of what I think.
“Lighter?” Her gaze flickers up above my head, to where I guess Abby is standing.
“Definitely” I hear Abby agree and Charlie grins , unscrewing the cap from one of the lipsticks.
I let her do her thing, sitting back in the chair as I have done for at least the past half hour, the two of them seeming to have spent longer on my make-up and hair than they did on Abby's.
I do feel a little worried for the outcome, as I haven't had much input into what goes onto my face, I just have to trust these two girls, and from going on the outcome of how they did with Abby, then I shouldn't worry because Abby is looking amazing already.
“You finished now?” I question curiously as Charlie pulls her hand away from my face.
“No! No not yet!” Charlie squeaks “Don't move!” She continues to scold me as I move my head and quickly obey, as this side of Charlie slightly scares me.
Staying still for another ten minutes as Charlie sweeps over a brush across my cheeks, and then with Abby making small adjustments to my hair and then with a few more brushes and touch ups, Charlie and Abby step back grinning.
“Done!” Charlie cheers, “And wow Lex, I think we did a pretty good job” She grins cheekily nudging Abby who grins back.
“Go look!” Charlie urges me quickly out of the chair over towards the mirror on my wall and as soon as I step foot in front of it, I'm taken back from who I see in the mirror.
My usual half straight, half curled messy long hair has been now half pulled up and clipped to the back of of my hair, leaving a few strands which have been half curled falling down and framing my face and the rest of my hair the same as it's straight with one curl at the tip of where it ends just past my shoulders, the whole hairstyle being different, but surprisingly looking nice in a slight messy, but neat way.
As I blink though at my reflection, my gaze darts to where most of my concern was at, and am still surprised at how Charlie has pulled it off.
With all that time she took getting everything right, all the colours matching, I can now see why. She's covered my eyelashes with a dark shade of purple that becomes lighter as it spreads, and I even catch a bit of glitter catching under the light there, and I like that she's applies eye-liner, something I'm happy with, but I notice it's not as much as I usually having, which strangely causes the blueness of my eyes to appear more brighter, and with the light shade of pale pink that covers my lips I continue to blink at my reflection as I can't quite believe that how make-up can change how someone looks, even the slightest bit.

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!
Teen Fiction~STORY COMPLETED! just in process of editing~ Lexi Walker has 12 brothers. Twelve irritating, annoying, bossy and protective brothers. The only female contact she has in her life is her mom and has to cope with all the pranks, arguments and play fi...