Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 :)  hope you enjoy!

Oh and I've added some of the cast :) ------->

ooh and a pic of Michelle Trachtenberg who plays Charlotte (Charlie) a new character

edited - 29.05.17


It's the last lesson of the day. Thank god!

This school is like a damn Zoo!

Oh and to make it worse, Seth is not in this class. I'm on my own. And it is English. Sigh.

I slump into a random seat at the back of the class, wishing the hour away already.

"Hey!" A cheery voice suddenly comes from my right and I turn my head to see a smiling girl siting in the seat next to mine.

I raise an eyebrow at the girl, with her dark brown hair that is different shades starting with dark brown down to a lighter, and bright blue eyes and she is grinning at me.

"Ur...hi" I say slightly hesitantly and turn to the front again.

"I'm Charlie! Well actually Charlotte, but no one calls me that, so it's Charlie!" She gushes smiling at me.

"You're the new girl right?" She asks smiling still

"Um, yeah" I answer glancing at her from the corner of my eye, "Lexi."

She smiles wider, "Nice name. Hey let me guess, it's short" She questions

I nod, "Yeah."

"Awesome, We've already got something in common!" She grins turning around in her seat to face the front properly, "We both have names that are shortened."

I can't help but smile slightly in amusement.

"Oh and we have already another thing in common" She grins looking at me, turning I her seat again and I raise a questionable eyebrow.

"Our eye colour! Blue!" She grins and I blink not realising.

She giggles slightly, "I bet we have more things in common than you think" she smiles facing the front again and I frown confused, what is that supposed to mean?

The teacher, Mr Clark starts the lesson now, so I don't have a chance to question her. She's just sat there with a slight amused smile, it feels like she is saying 'I know something you don't know'. Which makes me confused, but maybe I'm just thinking too much of it.

English drags on. Mr Clark rambling on about some random crap I'm not even paying attention

Finally the bell rings and everyone grabs their stuff, racing to the door.

As I pack my stuff up I see Charlie smiling at me with her bag on her shoulder.

"Hey, wanna go grab a milkshake?" She asks still smiling, "Because there's this awesome place down the road that do amazing milkshakes!" She beams.

I smile slinging my bag over the shoulder, "Yeah sure." Why not? Milkshake will be good.

She grins "Great! Come on then" I follow her out the classroom, with a slight smile on my face, maybe I have found a frined..

My smile suddenly drops though as we step out in the corridor and I remember, how can I forget?

I have five older overprotective brothers, the reason I don't have many friends, no wait, why I have NO friends.

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now