Chapter 69

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New chapter! Finalllyyy!

I hate making you guys wait for my next upload! :( I really doo...and I wish I could post one up everydayyy for you lovely readers to read....but that's sadly impossible....but it would surely make my life easier with getting this story finished...aha :)

Annywayyy....hope this chapter's alright for's a ..I plan more things to come :)

***SORRY for any mistakess and the large gaps (if any) between changes as I copy the text from where I write it on a document :)  Apologies...I will try to go back an sort that at a later daatee....OR feel free to pick out any mistakes seen to me and I will sort them :) THANKS!***







“I knew it! I knew it!” Charlie shrieks, flapping her arms widly with a grin on her face, peering down toward my hand that is linked within another...

I feel my cheeks flush as I look away slightly, seeing her beaming grin as she stares at mine and Noah's joined hands, and I only hear a small chuckle coming from Noah as he witnesses this.

“I knew something was going to happen!” Charlie continues to bounce and grin, “I mean....NO ONE can deny the chemistry going on here!” She motions between me and Noah and beaming grin glued to her face.

I chuckle nervously, feeling my cheeks burn and I duck my head...

“Charlie...” I groan and feel Noah's hand squeeze mine as he continues to chuckle...

“I'm sorry...but you two are so adorable!” she squeaks, giggling and grinning at me. “I can't help but feel excited! Just wait till everyone sees you two!”

I smile a little, but feel my stomach knot with nerves as Charlie has made me remember. The whole year knows Noah...heck, the whole school even, I've seen the attention he always got before....what are people going to do when they realise...Noah is no more a free man...

“Everyone can mind their own business..” Noah chuckles, his hand dropping from mine and snaking around my waist instead, “They can stare...from afar. But as soon as they step in our personal space....then I'll be sure to tell them where to go” He smiles sweetly, too sweetly causing Charlie to laugh and he tightens his arm around my waist keeping me close to him and I can't help but feel all warm and giddy inside as I smile....I shouldn't care what others do...Noah's isn't any of their business....

“Eeek! Okay...enough of this cuteness! Would you like to tell me why there are four perfectly attractive males who are glaring daggers right now, destroying they're much admirable faces...” Charlie sighs dreamily at the end as her eyes flicker over behind us, a curious look on her face.

Tilting my head, I glance over my shoulder and standing a few meters from me by the parked car is sure enough three figures stand with narrowed eyes all in my direction, all onto the person that has their arm around my waist...

I gulp, biting my lip as I turn back around and sigh, “Yeah..I know..” I mumble with a small helpless shrug, “They've been like that all morning...” I mumble and feel Noah's arm tighten a little around me as for comfort.

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now