Chapter 80 ~ Last Chapter

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Last Chapter is up!    sorry something must have happened had to re upload this!

I see two last chapters...aha do you guys see that toooo???????

But yes, wow....yay! can't believe I've finally managed to finish this! :) so happy...but sad that it's over! :(

Just need to go back to do some serious editing

THANK YOU all so much! I love you!

Hope you enjoy this last chapter! :)





It still hurts. It hurts so, so much that I can hardly bring myself to think about.

Noah has only caused me more painful thinking, re-thinking every he blurted out to me, my mind coming up with other reasons and thoughts of my I should believe him and telling me if I do or not.

I don't know what to do. If I believe him then what does that mean? That I should just forgive and forget? That easily? I can't. I can't believe because how do I know that what he said is the truth?

Even with remembering the look in his eyes, I still feel my stomach clench as I come unsure of if that look was true or not...

Groaning, I bury my head in my pillow. Mom found out about the school, obviously as they had to call her. And to say she was angry is an understatement. As much as she knew what that girl did, she still does not think that violence is the answer, but um..hello mom, what would be suitable to shut that girl up? Polite conversation?

Yeah. Hardly.

But for now, as well as the school's punishment, which isn't much of a punishment as it's not as bad as it could be, I guess being my only offence in this school saved me a bit, but also mom has given me her own.


I don't remember the last time I was grounded. Mom hardly ever does that, and I swear she only did this time because she couldn't think of anything else, but the good part is that by her grounded she only means that if I go out, I have to be back by a certain time, a time earlier than what I would be allowed.

Which doesn't bother me, I don't plan on going anywhere.

But I also have a feeling she may not have punished me lots as she can see my side of the story, if the girl you caught kissing your boyfriend was to start flaunting it in front of you, wouldn't you want a pop at her?...exactly. So I think mom is a little soft towards that.

Put now that I'm at home, laying on my bed with only a few minutes until everyone comes back. I'm bored. Surprisingly I would wish I was at school, because that way I wouldn't be going mad with all these thoughts in my head, and I could at least talk to someone instead of going insane.

And I could also find a way to find out what's wrong with Seth, seeming as I still have that to work out.

I head down the stairs in time for the little ones to return from school and nursery, all rushing through the door and shredding their coats. I can see the surprise on their faces as they see me because I'm not usually home at this time, but I'm greeted with a hug to the legs.

Chuckling I ruffle the two little boy's heads as they hug at my legs, “How was your day monkeys?” I smile letting the two twins let go of my legs and take their shoes off..

Me and my 12 brothers. YES....12 brothers!Where stories live. Discover now