Chapter Four: Her Story Begins

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A young girl is running through the brush of a thick forest somewhere in the world. She does not know where she is or where she is running, she knows she has to run though, to save the lives of friends she had had only a few days ago. She remembers every waking moment she spent with them, but she has to forget. Not for her safety, but for the safety of the ones she left behind.

She is leaving behind a life where she saved the ones she cared about, and even the ones she did not know. She is a caring person, that is why she left. to make sure that her beloved friends stay safe, away from the harm that she could do by staying. If she did stay, the chance of everyone she loves perishing is very high, for her so-called uncle will try to kill them in cold blood. Cold like his heart and his soul.

The girl is named Jessica Aphmau Shasalashka. . .

Jess runs throughout the forest. looking for somewhere in the world she could hide away and start a new. All she knows is that she cannot act like she remembers her past. She has to act like she has forgotten so that she will forget, forever.


Aphmau/Jess P.O.V. ___________________________________________________

I was running as fast as I could, trying to find a place to stay, someplace, anyplace, I might even stay in a dirt house, I do not even care.

Wait, Who is that!? Maybe he can show me a place to stay; a village even! Perfect!

'Hey you over there! Can you show me somewhere I can stay for the night!?. . . Hey! Answer me!' I yelled, but the man still did not respond. Then he began to run away. So, out of curiosity, I followed him.

'Hey! Get back here!- Huh? He led me to a village? Awesome!'


Okay. So that was the first real chapter! Not many words but it is still a good start. There will be more to come soon. I am thinking about having this book being about Twenty or Thirty chapters.


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