Chapter Ten : The Almost Invisible Torture! The Memories Resurface Again!

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Aphmau/ Jess P.O.V.

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No, this can't be happening. I know this is a dream, but it is more than a dream. This dream can decide life or death. I am honestly terrified, but a front that not even my Uncle could detect is all I ever put up around evil. I act strong around people like this, but now, more people care about me in one place than overall. I have to be stronger now, more than I ever was, but this time, It can't be a facade. 

The two figures are still coming towards me. Slowly but surely, and, in all seriousness, the suspense is killing me. It may sound a little worse than how I mean it, but I really want to get this over with. My anxiety is going to make this even worse. 

Gah! These are just mind tricks! They want me to be worked up! So that it's easier to take me down. Well, it is going take a lot more than a few mind tricks to break my pride and ruin my dignity. I just have to make it for about an hour in real time, then I will wake up. With pain. But I will still be awake. That's all that matters. Oh no, they're coming into sight. 

"Hehehe! Look at little Aphmau, tied up like a dog! Heh. Not so strong now, are ya Aphmau?" Zane taunts. 

"Oh! I may be the one tied up, but this is a dream. That's all it is, A DREAM!" I raised my voice slightly at the end, just to give off the appearance of tough.  But on the inside I was trembling. 

I tried to be brave, but when two very powerful, evil people have you trapped in a dream void, it is hard not to be scared. Tears began to want to roll out of my eyes, but I forced them back. I had to be strong. 

"You are right, Jessica, this is a dream. But you have no power over what happens to you here. Unless of coarse one of your little guards knows who you really are and are willing to give their life to save the 'goddess of thunder' that you are so dearly called." Loki said, in a menacing tone with his dark voice. 

"Why are you doing this Loki! And why did you bring Zane with you!" I yelled using my strength to break the bonds holding me to the invisible ground. 

"You'll see soon enough, and I brought my lovely friend Zane here so he can see you suffer and melt into a puddle of tears. " Loki said with such a low and evil voice it was almost petrifying. 

"Let the torture begin" He said as the void turned into a scene.

I was tied down again, but in a sitting position on a chair, in what looked like a movie theater.

Then a screen opened up to a scene from my past, but this one was a little different. It looked like everyone was sad over something. 

Wait! This is them now! Why were they so sad? Was it because I left them? I thought they understood, I had to leave to save them! They aren't sad because I left them, they were angry because I betrayed them? My worries begin to take me over and I begin to tremble and listen to their dialogue. 

"Hey, have any of you seen Castor around here!" Steven asked with a mischievous look in his eyes.

"No. He left a few days after we found the note Jess left telling us that she was leaving because she didn't want to be a superhero anymore." Sly answered. What?! I left to protect them! Not because I didn't want to be a superhero. Because believe me I was in love with being a superhero. 

"Well, do you think he's coming back? I mean he was closest to her, she meant a lot to him. Could he have went to find her?" Steven questioned, in a now worried tone.

"He could've just left out of desperation for her to come home. She was a close friend as I said, It is possible that he did go after Jessica, but he would've told us. I really don't know, though, Steven." Sly answered, but he sounded like he didn't care what happened to either of us. Me and Castor, I mean. 


What? They're fighting for my sake? Because I'm gone, the Few is getting torn apart. Why did I let this happen.  Why did Loki have to force me to leave?

As I think this, the screen went black and I woke up. What, they didn't torture me physically, they ruined me mentally and created something that I could never get out of my mind. 


When I opened my eyes, I saw four familiar faces in front of me. Zoey, Levin, Malachi, and Garroth were sitting in my room with me laying on the bed. I guess they brought me in here. Well that was nice of them. But, that dream was emotionally exhausting. 

I closed my eyes and slept for a little while, in a peaceful, dreamless slumber. 

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