Chapter 14: Resurfacing "Unnecessary" Memories

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Part 2

"Jess, are you alright continuing this at this hour? It is almost one in the morning. You should sleep. We came pretty late last night." Adam Asked, seeing her drooping eyes through his darkened sunglasses. 

"There's a lot more to the story, and I plan to tell you all before first light.

"After that day, when I woke up, I became a superhero and stayed for a year or two. Until a man named Loki came and attacked my friends-he's still around too. At that time I wan't able to defend my friends- I was too weak.

"After that, I had to leave to protect them. Their names were: Sly, Steven, Kala, Jose, Katz, Pbat, and Castor, Castor had come with me to the next place, but we got separated along the way. We eventually met back up while I was journeying in the land of ModWorldPoke. My new friend Satiel (Who turned out to be An ender Hybrid too) was with us on our journey. We were searching to be the best Pokemon leaders, and apparently Castor was a Gym leader by this time, so Yah. 

"We were running from Satiel's brother-who was evil- and we got separated. I got stuck with Castor and I don't know where Satiel is now, but I hope he is alright. *sigh* Me and Castor decided to go separate ways, but stay close and keep in contact, so he is a village called Meteli and is known as a crazy chicken shaman, but he kind of already was- you would like his house, Ross.

"So that is my story. Told ya it was long as hell." Jess or Aphmau concluded her story with a yawn and fell asleep on Adam's shoulder, because she was sitting beside him on the couch in her room. 

"Wow, In just two years, Jess has become more successful and has way more friends than any of us have ever had." Adam began, " She has had a seemingly stressful and helpful life. Wow, she gets more amazing everyday. Anyway, we should go now."

"Ye" Was all anyone said after that. They were speechless at the deepness of her story

Adam picked her up bridal-style and brought her to the room with the purple door in the second floor of her house, then they all left to set up a camp at the foot of the hill where her home was. 

They all were asleep, but they didn't know someone was standing guard during the whole conversation, hearing every single word. 

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