Nighttime Visits (Ticci Toby X Reader)

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                    It had been another long day of school, and you were exceedingly ready for a well needed rest. You walked past your parents, who were casually glaring at the television screen. Something about multiple murders and a large fire about three blocks down. Your guardians were quite nervous about this, but you could honestly care less. You stumbled up the (thankfully) carpeted stairs, and walked over to the bed like a zombie, before flopping face first into the covers. You rolled over onto your side, facing the wall, and let out a long, drawn out yawn. Your eyes got all heavy, and you allowed yourself to drift into the abyss.

                    Your eyes popped open. You turned over and looked at the digital clock resting on top of the bedside table. 1:59 PM. A bit of a 'thump' noise had awoken you, considering your a light sleeper. You pulled yourself up and looked at the doorway leading into your 'entertainment room'. It was where you kept books, electronics complete with chargers, DVD's, and other such items. Obviously where it got its name. You continued to stare into the darkness, attempting to force your eyes to adjust. You were about to lay back down when another noise sounded for the other room. Something running, stumbling, and you listened as you heard their body make contact with the floor. You stared wide eyed into the black hole. You heard someone shift around before catching glance of your phone, which had been on the floor, charging, turn on. The light allowed a hand and a bit of an arm to be seen, it twitched nervously away from the device. Someone murmured a curse word or two. You slowly pulled your feet over the side of the bed, a chill ran up your spine as the fluffy carpet rubbed against your toes. You had no idea where this courage came from, as you were often too scared to move at all in a situation like this. You slowly crept over to the door, and pulled your hand in and over in search for the light switch. You heard something shuffle around before what seemed to run into something. Your fingertips brushed against the light switch, as soon as you found it, you flipped it on. What you saw kind of stunned you. It was a teenage boy wearing a light brown hoodie, he wore a mouthguard, and goggles with a bit of a yellow tint to them. He stared at you, and you just stared back. Your breathe became desperate, he noticed and dragged himself to his feet, you went to scream, but he ran towards you and placed his hand on your mouth. You just stared at him in horror, you had no idea who this boy was. "Shhh...," he whispered "don't scream." it wasn't a statement, but more of a question. You nodded. His hand slid down away from your mouth, and stopped just under your chin. Thats when you noticed his hatchets, one was dull and one looked pretty new. You saw some old remains of blood and quickly remembered the murders of the last week. His eyes followed your gaze and he quickly placed his hands over your lips again. You pushed away from him, stumbling and tripping over, falling to the floor. "Pl-please don't kill me!" you yelped. He just stared at you, his hands rested down at his sides, one hesitated at his hatchet. You were so scared, but then he shocked you. He extended his hand out to help you up. You took it cautiously. He pulled you up, but he wouldn't let go of your hand. You opened your mouth to say something, but he pulled you into a hug. " I know you or something?" you stammered "Th- that still doesn't explain why you broke into my house. He let go of you, and pulled his mouthguard down, you gasped as you realized a giant gash on his cheek. You exhaled in a bit of a panicked manor, but then he grabbed the collar of the shirt you wore the day before, and pulled you into a kiss. 

                    At first you were terrified beyond compare, but eventually you melted into the kiss. You pulled your shaky hand up and around the strangers neck, and his drifted down to your hips. You blushed furiously, as you still had no idea who this person was, you felt a chill run up your spine. He pulled away, and stared at you, you once again, just glanced back. "Who....who are you?" you asked nervously. "Toby," he smiled this cute crooked smile "T-Toby Rodgers." he stuttered. "Im....uh, (Y/n)." you responded. "Huh, well, I guess I'll be back tomorrow night" he smiled again. His hands pulled away from your waist and your arms slid away from him in response. You didn't want to let go though. "W-why?". You heard the door open. "Hey, (Y/n)! You okay up there?" You looked down the stairs in surprise. "Uh, yeah just.....saw a spider." You said glancing away from the tired adult. Your father nodded, and walked away after closing the door shut tightly. You looked back to where Toby had been, but he wasn't there. You looking back, your window was wide open. You turned out the light and went back to bed, you saw a note on your bedside table, it read-

          Dear (Y/n),

       I'll be back tomorrow, as promised! 


                          Toby :)

                    The note had been ripped from another piece of paper, and was written halfway neat, and halfway in scribbles. You smiled bleakly before crawling back into bed. You couldn't wait till tomorrow  night.

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