Echo X Blind! Reader [Requested by @Loonbluefire]

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Before you begin to read this one-shot, I'd like to inform you that the character is one of my originals. So you probably don't know who he is unless you follow my art book. Thank you for the consideration. 

        You sat quietly in the living room, the cushions of the couch soft under your weight. You ran your fingertips over them silently, enjoying the feeling of the fabric as it touches your skin. The texture of it felt soft and alleviating. 

        You couldn't see it. Not with your eyes, anyway. You were blind, and you couldn't see a thing for as long as you could remember. But you could see it with your hands, in a sense. You sighed softly under your breath. 

        "What is it, dear?" he spoke from across the room, his voice a bit sudden, but it soothed you in an odd way. It was Echo. You'd met Echo not too long ago after you'd wandered from the village and into the woods. Once you were out there, you couldn't find your way back; but, Echo found you. He was rather tall, from what you could tell, sweet and tenderhearted. He took you back to his house and fixed you up, gave you a place to stay and offered you everything you could possibly need. He even asked if you'd like him to restore your eyesight, or grant you the ability to see, but you had declined, having lived all of your life being blind, it just didn't seem right. And sure, you had no idea what he looked like, or where you were, or what he'd given you, but you trusted him, and that was enough.

        "Oh, nothing.." you responded quietly, tilting your head down a little in silence.

        "'m coming over there, alright?" he questioned you. He normally said something before he would get closer to you, just to keep from startling you. Humming as he walks down the hallway; telling quiet stories as he makes his way around the house; Tapping countertops as he moves around the kitchen. I like the sound of his voice anyway, so it was never really a bother. I appreciate his efforts.

         "Alright..." you replied blatantly, remaining where you were, listening to his footsteps as he got up and walked over to you, sitting next to you on the couch, pulling an arm around you quietly.

        "How has your day been, so far?" he asked you, his voice melodically perfect and chirpy. You'd imagined he had a book in his other hand, reading quietly as he spoke to you, but you weren't sure. 

        You laughed a little under your breath, "Wouldn't you know? You've been by my side all day.." you mumbled a little, your voice trailing off as you spoke, smiling softly as you raised a hand to his, feeling of his skin, trailing your fingertips over his knuckles silently.

        "Well, just because I was with you doesn't mean I can determine whether or not the day was worth anything to you." he murmured quietly, a smile hinting in his voice. You heard a page turn. Definitely reading.

        "Oh,'s been good so far," you spoke timidly, looking up in his direction. He laughed under his breath, kissing your forehead. A light pink dusted your cheeks carelessly, and though he did things like that often, it still made you a little flustered. You paused and turned your head, holding his hand in yours, now, kissing his knuckles in return.

        He turned his head and looked at you quietly. You turned your head to look forward again, lapsing into silence once again, trailing over his hand again.

        He laughed a little, "what'd you do that for, (Y/n)?" you could hear the nervous happiness in his voice. 

        "Well, you do it all the time. Thought I'd return the favor for once." Your voice remained a little monotone as you turned to look in his direction, "Why do you do it?".

        "Well I-...." he paused in thought, falling quiet. You'd have forgotten he was there if he hadn't had his arm around you. You heard the book in his hand close, and your face contorted in slight confusion, listening as he sat it down next to him. "....well, darling, I'm rather fond of you-" he chose his words carefully, you could tell it in his voice.

        "Yes, I'm rather fond of you too, Echo-" you leaned into him a little.

        "Mhmm....that's reassuring.." he sighed a little quietly, leaning his head against yours, his fluffed up hair brushing against your skin. You could tell there was something he was hiding. Perhaps something upsetting him. 

        "....Echo...?" you tilted your head a little, still gazing straight ahead as you leaned on him.

        "..Yes..?" he responded, hesitance in his voice.

        ".....What's wrong..?" you asked, turning toward him just a little.

       "Nothing, darling, don't worry about it..." he gave a reassuring smile, it hinted in his voice. You hugged your arms around him slowly, pushing your face down against his collarbone.

        "..then what's bugging you..?" You spoke clearly, but it came out muffled against his shirt. 

        "(Y/n), dear, I'll tell you, but you'll have to promise not to think any less of me." he spoke with caution in his words, hesitance in his tone, nervousness in his voice. 

        "I promise." you said this without another thought, still resting against him softly.

        ".....I sort you...", his voice trailed off a little, turning his head to the side.

        You paused a little, moving your face off of him, "you....I like you too, Echo-" you spoke in a bit of a confused tone.

        "No, darling, I mean I-. I like-like you." he looks back over at you. You could feel your cheeks heating up a little as you moved away from him, staring in his direction, emotions flooding your thoughts like the dam holding them in just busted. 

        "E-Echo, I-...." you didn't have words. Your brain couldn't compute. You actually felt a little dizzy. You gave a reluctant, heavy sigh, looking down a little. 

        "I'm.....I'm sorry..." his voice was soft, quiet and hushed. You began to get quite flustered, looking back up at him.

        "No no, it's okay, I just....." your voice trailed off a little and you paused, thinking, "......I guess I.....I like-like you too..." you nearly whispered, embarrassed of your confession, curling up a little. He fell still and silent for a moment before shifting closer to you, pulling an arm back around you in utter silence. You sighed a little, remaining still before leaning back into his touch. "....even though I can't see you...." you mumbled with a smirk, a small laugh escaping your lips. He returned the small noise. You tilted your head up, looking at him in silence, reaching up and placing your hand on his cheek, figuring out where he was exactly, pausing a moment before moving up a little and kissing him on the mouth, but falling a little short and kissing his bottom lip. He laughed a little before kissing you on the mouth properly, making you blush and giggle in happiness. 

        "I'm glad you found me, Echo-" you smiled softly.

        "I'm glad I found you, too, darling.." he spoke with a loving tone, running a hand through your hair. And though you couldn't see him. You just knew he was smiling. 


I apoloagize if this sucks I've never written anything in a blind person's perspective and it definitely made writing this a bit more complex. I appreciate the challenge though ^^ feedback is greatly appreciated! Thank you for reading, my fantabulous readers~!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2017 ⏰

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